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GND bottom side
924 2
ct1ilt 7 years ago
Hi, I am trying to set the bottom side of my PCB as GND and all the tracks on the top side and all the components that need GNd connected to the bottom side with a VIA. Is it possible to do this with the AUTO ROUTER because I lots of tracks and done by hand would take an eternity ? thanks
dillon 7 years ago
![enter image description here][1] You can uncheck the bottom layer, and skip the GND net to router. Hope it is OK [1]: /editor/20171207/5a29415f5291d.png
andyfierman 7 years ago
This works: 1. Create a PCB package as an `All Layers` Pad (Do *not* use the Via tool in the PCB Lib Editor) but with the dimensions of your preferred via size, (I have already created one called **XVIA1**); 2. create a schematic symbol called for a dummy single pin through hole header (I have already created one called **XVIA1**); 3. assign the package to the symbol (I have already done this for **XVIA1**); 4. draw your schematic; 5. **In your case:** place a GND symbol onto the ground net; 6. place as many instances of **XVIA1** onto whichever nets you want in your schematic (in your case place them on GND ends of your components); 7. complete and check your schematic (refer to; 8. `Convert Project to PCB...`; 9. place the components; 10. place the one or more `xvias` where you want them; 11. set the Autorouter to `Top Layer` only (untick all other layers); 12. run the Autorouter; 13. Place a Copper Area on the Bottom layer and assign it to the `GND` net; 14. complete and check your PCB (refer to
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