You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Generating a CPL file for JLPCB
2408 9
Laurie54 2 years ago
I need to have JLPCB place and solder 2 of USB-3 female connectors on the brd. JLPLCB says EASYEDA can tell how to produce a CPL file to accomlish this. Could you please show me how?
UserSupport 2 years ago
just export the pick and place file
andyfierman 2 years ago
Laurie54 2 years ago
I have Exported the p+p file. JLPCB does not accept EASYEDA format. andyfierman thank you for the link. I have printed it out and followed but am still getting stopped at the same place. The file formate must be changed . I use Windows 10 but do not have Ecel or WPS. It says I can use notepad to convert but in notepad it will not see the file to load in so I could save..
andyfierman 2 years ago
If you need to work on Excel files then you can: 1) Install a copy of LibreOffice and then open the spreadsheet file in Calc and save it from Calc as .xls. Or: 2) use Sheets in Google Drive and save as .xls Or: 3) open a free account on
andyfierman 2 years ago
What is the file suffix of the p+p file that you are trying to edit?
Laurie54 2 years ago
@andyfierman That is the thing. When I go to my windows explorer and to the file as a file extentio it says "file". When I go to properties it says ""Type of file  : file "" I can't get started. And when i read instructions it says to bring it into programs as the file needed in the first place. I will try getting Libreoffice and that route. Thank you Andy. I'll let you know. either way.
andyfierman 2 years ago
You could try editing the file suffix to something like .txt or .csv which Notepad can open.
andyfierman 2 years ago
Have you tried dragging and dropping the file into Notepad?
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
@laurie54 Hello ; Probably you don't need to donwload your P&P and BOM files, just place your Assembly order from the Easyeda webpage when you generate GERBER and it will automatically load the design files plus the P&P and BOM files to JLCPCB assembly room page, if you have any adjustments to perform on the P&P file then you can do it directly for the Assembly viewer on JLCPCB at the final ordering stage. <br> Kindly try and let us know. ![SMT.png](//
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