Hi, I was trying to place an order for a pcb but the Gerber Viewer on JLCPCB didn't work and the dimensions textboxes are empty.
I generated the Gerber directly from EasyEDA: Fabrication->PCB Fabrication File(Gerber)->Order at JLCPCB. But when the file finishes uploading, the dimension text boxes remain empty and if I click on the Gerber Viewer link it says "The new Gerber Viewer doesn't support files upload before July, please re-upload on our quote page to try the new version", but I uploaded it directly from EasyEDA. Also, if I go in the "Analysis Results" tab, it says "Unsupported Gerber files" and "Can not identify the board outline". How do I fix this issue? I already tried to set the board outlines again in the editor, by clicking Tools->Set Board Outline, but it didn't fix the issue.
These are the links to the project: