You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to delete all imported components from personal libraries
1407 8
Rob Ferguson 5 years ago
I am a beginner and have tried to import various Eagle schematics from Adafruit products. I selected the file and then clicked extract and import libraries which completed with no problem. When I tried to create a pcb a error box popped up with loads of components that were not found. I looked into the library manager and found all the components in my personal library - 1\. Is there any way a can select all the components in my personal libraries and delete them\, instead of one at a time ? 2\. Is there a tutorial that clearly explains importing an Eagle schematic with it's components and converting it to a pcb ? Thank you
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can you make your project public?
Rob Ferguson 5 years ago
@andyfierman , I have made it public [ESP32-Adafruit](
andyfierman 5 years ago
Can you post a link to the files you imported on Adafruit?
Rob Ferguson 5 years ago
@andyfierman [Adafruit-HUZZAH32-ESP32-Feather-PCB](
andyfierman 5 years ago
I think I understand the problem. You have imported the schematic and all the schematic symbols but you have not imported a PCB file and therefore have not imported any PCB Footprints. 2 choices. 1. Find the Adafruit Eagle PCB file and import that and the PCB Footprint libraries in it; 2. You have to assign footprints from the EasyEDA libraries to each of the parts in the schematic. The EasyEDA libraries already contain many of the Eagle PCB Footprint libraries from those that other users have imported but you now have to go through every part in the schematic and assign a suitable footprint from the EasyEDA libraries. This is not as hard as it may sound. 1. Open your schematic and select any component;  2. Click on the Package attribute in the right hand panel;  3. This opens the Footprint Manager;  4. Select all the parts listed down the left hand side that have the same footprint as the one you selected (CTRL+left-click on each or left click the first then SHIFT+left-click the last **but beware**: there's a bug that selects one extra part at the bottom of the list. Do CTRL+left click to deselect the extra part);  5. Left-click on one of the highlighted footprints in the lower right hand side;  6. Check the Schematic Symbol pin to PCB Footprint pin mappings;  7. Edit the component pin information if necessary;  8. Click **Update**; This should update all instances of each part of the same type using that particular footprint. Repeat for any one instance of each schematic symbol that is assigned a particular footprint. Note that the same footprint may be used by a different type of component. For example, the same 0603-NO footprint may be used by some 0603 resistors and by some 0603 capacitors. These can all be updated at once by looking for and CTRL+left-click adding them in the left hand side list and then selecting the 0603-NO footprint in the right hand list then clicking Update OR they can be updated by first clicking on a resistor and assigning the 0603-NO package to all the resistors and then selecting a capacitor and repeating the process to update all the capacitors that are assigned the 0603-NO package. Repeat the process until all instances of every symbol have been assigned the footprints that their package attributes request. 1. Check the assignments carefully;  2. Save the schematic;  3. Do (4) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
If you import the Eagle pcb file and libs then you may be able to skip the footprint management process described above but you **must** do (4) in (2) in: []( and then, when you have done the PCB, you **must** do (5) and (6) in: [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
See: [](
Rob Ferguson 5 years ago
@andyfierman Thank you very much for the information. It will probably take me a while to go through this - I will give it a try and provide feedback of how it went. I appreciate the help.
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