You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to finalize project
3171 7
F6GGI 1 year ago
Hello, I am a real beginner and I have made a PCB. I have watched many tutos, but very often tutos are running too fast and I miss final process. I would like to know chronologically what I have to do. Which files to upload  etc .... Thank you and salutations. Bernard
andyfierman 1 year ago
What version of EasyEDA are you using?
F6GGI 1 year ago
@andyfierman Thaks for replying. V 6.5.23
andyfierman 1 year ago
Online? Desktop?
F6GGI 1 year ago
@andyfierman Hello Offline, thanks
andyfierman 1 year ago
The process for ordering a  PCB  or a PCB Assembly (PCBA) is described here: [](<br> <br> Maybe read through that a couple of times and then try the video tutorials again.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Probaby before you do any of that, it will help you to read and action the essential checklists,  (4) and (6) in Welcome to EasyEDA, (2) in: [](
JLCPCBsupport 1 year ago
@f6ggi Hello If you find it a bit unclear on how to properly establish a panel then maybe you want to take a look at the offered JLCPCB Panel option, by selecting "Panel by JLCPCB" our engineers will create a panel from your design, so all what you need to prepare is a design of one single board, upload it to the ordering page and indicate that you are willing to produce a panel by specifying the panel pieces amount (rows and columns). ![Panel by JLCPCB.png](// More details here: [](
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