I am into ioT. I made few projects first with non soldariable bread board which looks ugly and fragile.
then I made few projects soldering wires between component terminals but the success rate is 50%.
Sometimes I get bad solder or bad wire, or the flux cause shorting and it is time consuming. that is why I end up here.
I am mechnical engineer so I am kind of intruder to this field. I read a lot but I seem not able to make a final pcb for very simple circut.
My question
I want a pcb with only pads with nothing else. in those pads I will solder esp-32 headers that has 19 pins on each side . each pin (pad) will be
connected to another pad where I will solder either 2 or 3 pin connector.
and because I was soldering my self I have a big stock of components, that is why I need just the board with pads.
all pads are arduino compatible
I will highly appreciate if you can guide me step by step and be patient with me
Many thanks