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I want to make esp-32 (38 pins ) sheild with connectors (only headers and connectors pads on the final pcb board
1561 14
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
hi I am into ioT. I made few projects first with non soldariable bread board which looks ugly and fragile. then I made few projects soldering wires between component terminals but the success rate is 50%. Sometimes I get bad solder or bad wire, or the flux cause shorting and it is time consuming. that is why I end up here. I am mechnical engineer so I am kind of intruder to this field. I read a lot but I seem not able to make a final pcb for very simple circut. <br> My question I want a pcb with only pads with nothing else. in those pads I will solder esp-32 headers that has 19 pins on each side . each pin (pad) will be connected to another pad where I will solder either 2 or 3 pin connector. and because I was soldering my self I have a big stock of components, that is why I need just the board with pads. all pads are arduino compatible I will highly appreciate if you can guide me step by step and be patient with me Many thanks Philip
andyfierman 4 years ago
Can you make a simple drawing to illustrate what you want to make or find a photo of something like it then post it up here. Then people can advise you more easily.
deskpro256 4 years ago
Do you need to make it yourself as a requirement or you just need something that does the job? Does something like this suite your needs? []( or [](<br> <br> But a sketch would help us understand what exactly you want to have. Might be a reasonably quick thing to make.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@alboug, Here are some notes to help you get started: 1) Start by studying the Design Flow in the Tutorial; 2) Search for and select suitable Schematic Symbols for your connectors or headers after clicking the Symbol button in the Shift+F Library tool; 3) Try to find Symbols that have suitable PCB Footprints associated with them; 4) If they do not have PCB Footprints associated with them don't worry, that can be sorted out later: go to (11); 5) Place the Symbols into a schematic and connect their pins as required, at the little join dots that light up as you mouse over them; 6) Go through the Essential Checklist (4) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> 7) Then do Convert to PCB... 8) Edit or create the required Board Outline; Position the Footprints as required then replace the Ratlines with copper tracks. 9) Go through the Essential Checklist (6) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> 10) Then Submit for manufacturing. <br> 11) If your chosen Symbols do not have Footprints associated with them then you can search for and select suitable Footprints after clicking the Footprint button in the Shift+F Library tool; 12) Then click on the Footprint attribute of each of the Symbols in the schematic and use the Footprint Manager to assign the chosen footprint to each symbol; 13) Go to (6);
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
I highly appreciate the replies I will respond soon thanks
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
I have the ontroler and the connectors. I just need the board with pads and tracks. I have been reading in easyeda on line application it looks like I need to create new board and place pads and tracks on it. no need for schematics and foot prints since I am not placing any components on the board. Am I correct? the pad spacing center to center is 2.54 mm (not sure about the hole diameter
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
for some reason I am not able to edit the spelling mistakes
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
more boards that do not work ![frontM.jpg](//
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
andyfierman 4 years ago
" need for schematics and foot prints since I am not placing any components on the board." Please do not go straight to pcb. It will make your life and anyone who may try to help you so much more difficult.
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
@andyfierman many thanks I need to connect to relay The system is functional now with plastic bread board which I hate I have a php server with blue host where I can control all the AC in the house and some lights, door mag sensor and motion sensor. reading from bme680 as well with a plastic bread board. hhh
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
@andyfierman So how should I approach such project if not go direct to create board?
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please refer to the notes that I posted earlier.
Arabian Hunter 4 years ago
thanks Andy I was looking for short cut but like everything else in this life I have to do my homework
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