You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Important. Please review New EasyEDA libs.
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dillon 11 years ago
Hi, check our new libs. All of them will be listed as big icons in left tree. The users can conifige "US" or "EU" style and the color of the symbol. This list <> Thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
Seems you have combined some libs? I think it’s more than complete, but you have to group them to compare EU / US and group them by type to get an overview, e.g. like: GND, Node, Wire, connector (can you have a circuit on two pages? voltage source DC, current source DC, Battery, controlled voltage + current source Resistor, Pot, Cap, Inductor (value as formula?) Voltage / Current source (sin, triangle, square, pulse) and controlled source OpAmp Diode, Z-diode, Rectifier Bulb, LED, NPN, PNP, MOSFET P + N, JFET P + N Switch, Button, Relay (spdt …), Fuse Transformer Indicator voltage, current ? Linear voltage regulator Logic gates speaker, mic ? Integrated circuit (555) Also: Wires crossing text. Why wasting space on both sides of an icon? Text snap to grid. Take care with the size of the icons: Diode, LED seems to be huge compared to other (tiny) icons (e.g. sources), also see TR1 and Q6, speaker, lamp, meter and logic gates. Transistor (discrete) don’t have circles any more?
example 11 years ago
Thanks. I will answer your questions after we provide the feature. It is coming soon. Do you think EasyEDA can be public after this feature? Maybe it is far from perfect, but is it good enough?
Sancho 11 years ago
Well, public - You mean the schematics editor? I didn’t see more until now (but I hope it doesn’t depend on that). Documentation, Terms & Condition, Privacy statement, tutorial, 2 - 3 full examples? The forums (and all that stuff that is missing / not structured here, categories)? Public beta depends on what is “public”. Anyway, for traffic testing you need users ...
dillon 11 years ago
* signality will provide document soon. *Terms & Condition, Privacy statement are on road. *full examples? , Maybe a video is OK. *categories. Do you mean ? We don't have time to maintain the **Electronics Discussion**, your ** Schematic capture - Simulation - PCB layout** are good, but we have "bugs report" and "Feature Requests", Maybe the users don't know where to post the problems . Try to tell me more. Thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
Now I’m talking about a user leaving the pure editor, going to anything with your black menu “Examples - Explore - Libs … Contact Us” and the blue headers. This part is - sorry - a mess and I’d be afraid to have “customers” in this part. There is a selector called “Forum” (which suggests there is a forum …) and the selector “Categories” where you have several overlapping topics (and most “projects” would fit in at least two sections). What would a user do / expect from that (empty) categories? I mean, it is a different thing to make a site for friends (say, 10 to 20 people who know each other, more ore less), - or to set up something for customers and go __public__. It seems you don’t know how wide your user “community” will be, I mean technically and personally? - The users don’t care if they know, they will __simply post (ask) and expect a reply__.
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