You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Insert PCB as Image to PCB
3430 7
cjohnson 5 years ago
@[phamduyscb]( You needed to start your own thread, so here's that thread. You want to insert a picture of a completed PCB as a new PCB. The problem is two-fold: 1\. You are using a JPEG\. This is a compressed low\-quality image standard\, so your results are not going to be great\. Use a PNG or SVG\, really any other format\. 2\. The image you are trying to import has multiple layers on it\. It has silk screen and copper layers\. If you really want to go this route\, we will need to separate the layers\. Here's a quick example using your image. You will be able to see the low quality of the image in the PCB, but EasyEDA does smooth the image some, which will help you in this case. Here's the original image: ![image.png](// Let's separate the copper out of the image. ![image.png](// Which leaves the silk screen looking like: ![image.png](// I have no idea how big this board is, since you chose JPEG, which has no size details built in to the format. Import in the silk...this is not EasyEDA's fault, your image is of terrible quality. ![image.png](// And import the copper over that.... ![image.png](// Moral of the story is, this is not a good way to copy a PCB. There are much better ways to do this.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Another set of problems is that no matter how you try to import an image into **any** EDA tool, you will have to manually place all the through-hole component lead holes plus any mounting holes. You could do this a hole at a time or you could select the relevant PCB Footprints from the library (or make your own) and then place them onto the relevant places in the layout. In fact unless you do place footprints like this - or at least individual pads for every through-hole pin - you will also have to manually generate the solder mask by adding apertures for every pad. Then add to that the various ways that mistakes can be introduced and - unless netnames are manually assigned to the imported copper tracks - the inability to use the DRC to help check the connectivity of the design. * **As @cjohnson and - in many other posts on this subject - myself have pointed out, in reality it is just not practical to try to recreate a PCB from an image. ** Also as I have already posted about this topic several times in different threads here is a link to my previous post which then links to others: [](
cjohnson 5 years ago
@andyfierman Exactly, not a good idea. Import it directly from the design tool you already are using. Using an image is a terrible idea.
Daniel Paradinha 5 years ago
I would try using illustrator or inkscape or similar .svg editor to get your jpeg converted to clean lines and then try to edit it vs trying to edit jpeg directly.
andyfierman 5 years ago
@daniel.paradinha, The issue is not how clean the image is. It is about how much effort it is to create a PCB in this way and how likely it is that this process will introduce errors which will be very hard to check.
cjohnson 5 years ago
@andyfierman Yea the time spent in any image editing software, could have been spent just recreating the PCB. Much easier than going this route.
MikeDB 5 years ago
@daniel.paradinha Just use your best image as a background (use document layer?) and recreate the whole PCB over it.  First place all the components, then do the routing and add any mounting holes. You'll end up with a better PCB. I would also have said use the top layer to replace any wire links but unusually for a single sided design there doesn't appear to be any,
Daniel Paradinha 5 years ago
@MikeDB Whatever is easiest I guess. Depends on the level of complexity and the quality of the image. Vector graphics programs are very good nowadays at turning raster images into vector format. Just comes down to what you are trying to accomplish and what your skill set is. If you are just trying to copy an old board really quick to see how it works before you spend the time redoing the whole board might be worth it to convert and print vs redrawing all the connections.
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