@[phamduyscb](https://easyeda.com/phamduyscb) You needed to start your own thread, so here's that thread.
You want to insert a picture of a completed PCB as a new PCB. The problem is two-fold:
1\. You are using a JPEG\. This is a compressed low\-quality image standard\, so your results are not going to be great\. Use a PNG or SVG\, really any other format\.
2\. The image you are trying to import has multiple layers on it\. It has silk screen and copper layers\. If you really want to go this route\, we will need to separate the layers\.
Here's a quick example using your image. You will be able to see the low quality of the image in the PCB, but EasyEDA does smooth the image some, which will help you in this case.
Here's the original image:
Let's separate the copper out of the image.
Which leaves the silk screen looking like:
I have no idea how big this board is, since you chose JPEG, which has no size details built in to the format.
Import in the silk...this is not EasyEDA's fault, your image is of terrible quality.
And import the copper over that....
Moral of the story is, this is not a good way to copy a PCB. There are much better ways to do this.