You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
InteractiveHtmlBom now supports EasyEDA board files
2165 3
qu1ck 5 years ago
You may have seen this plugin originally developed for KiCad that can generate interactive BOM like this: [https://openscopeproject\.org/InteractiveHtmlBomDemo/html/Tesseract\_Guitar\_Amp\.html]( This bom was generated from [EasyEDA example project]( The script is easy to use: 1. Download the archive from github []( 2. Install wxpython if you don't have it already: `pip install wxpython` 3. Download your board file: in board editor go to `Document` -> `EasyEDA File Source...` and click `Download`. 4. Run the script: `python path/to/ path/to/board_file.json` If you encounter bugs please let me know on [github issue](
UserSupport 5 years ago
Nice work! Thank you for your job. ;)
Pongpiphat Tachapan 2 years ago
i'm run the script on server "python /home/pongpiphat/InteractiveHtmlBom/InteractiveHtmlBom/generate\_interactive\_bom\.py  /home/pongpiphat/InteractiveHtmlBom/File/PCB\_PCB\_NT\_IoT\-controller\_2022\-10\-29\.json" but respond Unable to access the X Display, is $DISPLAY set properly? How do I solve the problem?
andyfierman 2 years ago
@pongpiphat.tach, You are replying in the wrong place to a 3 year old topic: "If you encounter bugs please let me know on [github issue]("
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