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Issues trying to Panelize design for PCBA
1237 5
PeteS160 3 years ago
Hello, I've seen this topic come up a number of times over the last year but none of the posts really seemed to address my specific issue or make it clear exactly what the processes is when order a panel of pcb's that will be assembled. My primary concern is with the displayed view JCL provides when uploading a pcb panel, I under stand the Gerber viewer isn't perfect but a similar image is also shown when attempting to order assembly of a panel. ![Panel.jpg](// When you look at the image above, you will notice that in each of the 4 corners the PCB does NOT have the stamp hole on the outside edge of the mouse bites. You will also notice that the top left pcb shows it would not have the notch in it cut out due to the incomplete hole stamping. Now I have tried all sorts of different things to fix the issues that you see here but nothing seems to work. So, how do I go about fixing this so that I don't loose several boards on every panel? <br> The next issues I'm running into is with how the panel should selected with JCL. I have highlighted the parts of the picture below that are in question... ![egrtfregrf.jpg](// So, when selecting "Panel By Customer" it then asks you to fill in the number of rows and columns. The issue here is the PCB already has the rows and columns as shows by the board size being displayed. The issue seems to be that EasyEDA and JCL are not on the same page here and they are both trying to do the same thing. Does JCl want me to upload a panel from EasyEDA and then select that its a Single PCB, or do they want me to export my gerber as a single PCB, then select Panel by customer and fill in these details? <br> It is very frustrating that there is so much contradiction between EasyEDA and JCL when trying to create a PCB panel and that the documentation from both company's fail to address how to go about doing this. As many others have said, it shouldn't be this hard to go about ordering something as simple as a panel. I understand that JCL is still growing and that EasyEDA is still developing it's software but this is an issue that seems to have been around for a couple of years now and it doesn't seem like either company has ever really addressed this issue.
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
Hello > My primary concern is with the displayed view JCL provides when uploading a pcb panel The displayed image doesn't not reflect the final produced board, please consider that your files will be reviewed by our engineers to set the DFM in a way to match your order settings, as long as you place a Panel order the your files will be well processed to match your requirements, just make sure that your design files are Ok and the rest will be fine all the way up. > Does JCl want me to upload a panel from EasyEDA and then select that its a Single PCB When you order a Panel for assembly then the only option you have is a "Panel by customer" because the panels should be designed through mouse bites method, in this case you need to create a panel design and select "Panel by customer" option, you need also to insert the column and row of the duplicated design. Thank you.
PeteS160 3 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport Ok, the next issue that I run into is when uploading the BOM and Pick and Place files. What the help icon is telling me is not what it ends up creating. Here is a series of screen shots for an example. This would create 5 panels with 12 boards in each panel for a total of 60 boards that would be assembled. ![34r34r34.jpg](// <br> <br> <br> <br> My BOM that I am uploading is only created to make a single board, and as the example picture shows my gerber only has the outline for 11 of the 12 boards and will need the data duplicated. So according to this I should select should select "Single piece, please help me repeat the data". ![selectFile.jpg](// <br> Selecting the option to have my board data repeated. ![singleSelected.jpg](// <br> And then something goes terribly wrong because these part quantities are clearly NOT showing the correct totals. The 3rd item that is circled shows 60*12. There is only 1 of these per board. So the system is calculating that I'm ordering 60 panels that each contain 12 boards.....that this would end up making 1,440 individual boards when it should be making a total of 60 individual boards from 5 panels. ![Noway.jpg](// <br> <br> <br> So, somewhere between the Gerber upload and the final checkout screen there seems to be an issue. Could this issue be related to EasyEDA when it creates the pick and place file because of the option to include panel data and it does not multiple the quantities on the BOM to reflect this being done as a panel? I am just very hesitant to take this at face value and assume that JCL's engineers will "catch" and or correct any mistakes since even having just 2 PCBA panels created for my design costs nearly $500 USD.
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@PeteS160 Hello ; No worries, you can solve this the easy way, just check the quantity at the BOM file (open the BOM file as an Excel sheet and check quantities) It seems that your BOM has quantities for the whole panel (means for 12 circuits) and since you have selected the option to duplicate the BOM then our system considered that the BOM quantity is relative to one design so it gets multiplied by number of panels (x 5) then it gets multiplied by number of designs per panel (x 12) and this is why you have got 12 x 5 = 60 and multiplied by 12 :) Just check the quantity of the BOM and if it is a panel quantity then you don't need our help for duplication and you need to select the other option because you have provided a complete file. Anything else just let us know.
PeteS160 3 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport I have checked my BOM and it is NOT for a panel, it is for a single board as you can see. ![fwrefre.jpg](//
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@PeteS160 Is it possible that you share the link to your EasyEDA project, maybe we can sort this out if I check the files out there and tell you what is the issue. otherwise, you can adjust the quantities of the BOM file to match the quantities of the whole panel and try to select the option of a "complete file"
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