I am once again utterly frustrated with a JLCPCB order.
Where I found the EasyEDA absolutely seamless and and had excellent feedback if there was anything that seems incorrect on a PCB, I cannot say the same about JLCPCB.
I have placed and order on Friday I think with a PCB of which JLCPCB cannot display the Gerber image on the order form.
The board I have ordered is a face plate and does not have any traces on. On my previous order just two weeks, ago, I had two types of these boards on the order which were both manufactured no problem.
However, on this order, JLCPCB reviewed the board and cancelled the specific board from the order without any further communication and they simply refuse to reverse the "Audit Fail" in order to ship my complete order.
Hell knows, I cannot at every second order have yet another issue to get my damn boards ordered.
I am very happy with the quality of the PCB, but I am not happy if JLCPBC throw a spanner in the wheels to deliver an oder fully as placed.