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JLCPCB Order Support
914 7
cjohnson 5 years ago
I've submitted an order for a design that we have already ordered and received from JLCPCB. They keep cancelling our order due to the minimum mill spacing between our columns. I have sent two emails trying to clarify the issue, no one is responding, yet they had time to cancel our order again in the meantime. They are saying the minimum mill spacing is 1.6mm, which is EXACTLY the distance between our columns. Someone needs to respond to our emails or contact us instead of just cancelling our orders continuously. ![image.png](// Our order number is W202001170524527
cjohnson 5 years ago
@JLCPCBSupport please take a look at this.
JLCPCBsupport 5 years ago
@cjohnson Sorry for the mistake. Dear sir, could you order again?
JLCPCBsupport 5 years ago
@cjohnson dear sir, is the problem solved?
cjohnson 5 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport Yes, the issue was resolved yesterday. Thank you for checking up on this. One thing of concern, was this order was grouped together with 1 or 2 other PCB orders, and we never received an email about the cancellation. Our purchasing agent couldn't figure out why we didn't have the boards after 2 other orders had came in, then looked at our account and saw that it was mysteriously cancelled. We replaced the file on the order 3 or 4 times in total (all the same exact file, since we already have a production stencil for this design). The order is in production now, I'm just hoping next time when we re-order we don't need to go through this again. Have a good CNY :)
cjohnson 5 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport I actually spoke too soon. Our order is still showing as audit failed, I'm hoping the status changes tomorrow morning, but at the moment everything is not 100% good to go.
JLCPCBsupport 5 years ago
@cjohnson I contacted our customer supporter, she said that your order was approved, just some fee required to pay. Hope you enjoy our service. Happy Chinese New Year to you all, the lovely supporter of JLCPCB!
cjohnson 5 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport Okay, just checked our purchasing agents account and now everything is in order. They are in production! Of course, you and your whole team as well!
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