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JLCPCB SMT service library - errors
877 5
topirinkinen 4 years ago
Hi, Is there a policy within JLCPCB/EasyEda that the components in "JLCPCB Assembled" should be ready-for-production, i.e. verified to match the assembly process? Using the library, yielded to these errors. All of the components are straight from the official library. Where can I find the meaning of these warnings? Also the consistency of used footprints raises question: E\.g\. U12 and U11 are using a different footprint \(TO\-252\-2\_L6\.5\-W6\.1\-P4\.58\-LS10\.0\-TL vs TO\-252\-2\_L6\.5\-W6\.1\-P4\.58\-LS10\.0\-BR\)\. Both components are in same package \(TO\-252\-2\)\, but the library footprint is different\. Why is that? -Topi ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello; Thank you for the time taken to write to us here. > Is there a policy within JLCPCB/EasyEda that the components in "JLCPCB Assembled" should be ready-for-production, i.e. verified to match the assembly process? From the Easyeda library you can select the "JLCPCB Assembled" classes and you will get the available parts of the JLCPCB Parts library; could you explain more what do you mean by "ready-for-production" all the available parts at the JLCPCB Parts library are ready for assembly. The part stocks will be updated in the EasyEDA platform to match the real-time stocks available at JLCPCB Parts library, this is already dealt by the EasyEDA support team. > Using the library, yielded to these errors. All of the components are straight from the official library. Could you please specify where did you get these warnings, the obtained DFM analysis results. Please consider that as long as you use the JLCPCB Parts library then there will be no issues at the assembly stage. > Also the consistency of used footprints raises question: Please Email the EasyEDA support team the wrong footprint and it will be updated, you can reach out to them through [](<br> <br> Welcome to ask us for any other details.
topirinkinen 4 years ago
Hi, With "ready for production" I meant that the following are true; \- The component PCB footprint is correct; and \- The schematic symbol is representing the function\, and correctly mapped to PCB layout; and \- The part will successfully solder onto the PCB if I am using it from "JLCPCB Assembled" library\. The DFM report was a result of JLCPCB PCBA order for a failed board (U5 being in wrong package). C165457 (U5 in previous DFM report) is TSOP-6 package (0.95 mm pitch), but yesterday it was SC-70 (0.65 mm pitch) in the library. I reported it through EasyEda editor and it seems that the library was fixed pretty quickly - thanks for it ;) The main reason for using EasyEda and the integrated library of "JLCPCB Assembled" for me, is that I hope I can trust the components in the library are ok (so that I don't need to check each footprint individually). > Please consider that as long as you use the JLCPCB Parts library then there will be no issues at the assembly stage. Exactly the words I wanted to hear. Thank you for the attitude... -Topi <br> <br>
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@topirinkinen you already got the issue solved for the power switch U5 when you reported this to EasyEDA team so kindly send the DFM results to []( to make the EasyEDA team deal with the warnings of the other parts too. @UserSupport could you assist on this. Thank you for the feedback.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport, @topirinkinen, "'Also the consistency of used footprints raises question:' Please Email the EasyEDA support team the wrong footprint and it will be updated, you can reach out to them through [](" Please use the **Report** **Error** right-click option to report problems with any  Footprints and Symbols found in any Library.
MikeDB 4 years ago
I had a DFM analysis several pages long but they fixed all the issues.  Anna said that it's generated by software and half of the warnings are incorrect. But there are a few parts which may need footprint editing.  I'll wait until the PCBs come back so I can have a look myself before reporting them as errors or not.
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