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JLCPCB now has through hole assembly service
2837 7
topirinkinen 3 years ago
Hi, JLCPCB has added one more great service to their offering, some through hole mounted components can be soldered alongside SMT process. Excellent quality on SMT this time. Minor THD issue is that those combicon connectors are not soldered to be so straight. ![image.png](// -Topi
andyfierman 3 years ago
"...those combicon connectors are not soldered to be so straight." Maybe the holes are a little too big in the Footprint?
topirinkinen 3 years ago
Maybe they are - but they were taken straight from easyeda library - "JLCPCB Assembled". I have to assume the parts in this library are all good to go. -Topi
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@topirinkinen Hello ; Thank you for the positive feedback about the assembly service. Regarding the THT parts, please provide the part number so we could investigate the parts footprint and the parts datasheet. Please consider that the parts available in our JLCPCB assembly parts library are "ready to go" parts but consider please that always a check of the design is needed from your side to make sure that you are using the appropriate measures. You can send a request to fix the footprint design by sending the details to [](<br> <br> Thank you for the time taken to write to us here. We are counting on your understanding.
topirinkinen 3 years ago
The green 3-pin connector is: [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Pluggable\-System\-Terminal\-Block\_Ningbo\-Kangnex\-Elec\-WJ15EDGRC\-3\-81\-3P\_C8406\.html](<br> <br> The Ningbo's datasheet doesn't state drill hole diameter, but the pin is dimensionally compatible with Phoenix's product. Phoenix recommends 1.2mm diameter hole (the corner-to-corner distance of the pin is 1.13mm nominal). The JLCPCB Assembled library component now has 1.5mm diameter for the hole. The same 1.5mm hole is in 8-pin combicon (should be 1.2mm as per Phoenix): [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Pluggable\-System\-Terminal\-Block\_Ningbo\-Kangnex\-Elec\-WJ15EDGRC\-3\-81\-6P\_C7246\.html](<br> <br> The 2-pin 5.08mm pitch [https://lcsc\.com/product\-detail/Pluggable\-System\-Terminal\-Block\_Ningbo\-Kangnex\-Elec\-WJ2EDGRC\-5\-08\-2P\_C3697\.html]( should have 1.60mm hole (as per Ningbo's datasheet. 1.40mm as per Phoenix), the library has 1.7mm hole. -Topi
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@topirinkinen So the part that you have used is : C8406 Considering the Datasheet, the pin of the connectors has a square size of 0.8mmx0.8mm so the footprint has to be something above 0.8mm ![size.png](// Moving to EasyEDA footprint the value is 1.5mmx1.5mm almost double size of the pin. ![hole.png](// Such has to be updated so maybe @UserSupport  could help to define the appropriate settings for the footprint. You can even push a request to []( to get further details about the part.
topirinkinen 3 years ago
Hi, Yes, C8406 should have 1.2mm diameter for the hole. And the same (1.2mm hole diameter) should be applied to all parts below: <br> ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
Nice as it would be to have perfect Symbols and Footprints, unfortunately there is always the possibility of a mistake in any library part. Therefore, as part of good design practice, all Symbols and Footprints used for the first time in a design, should be checked against the manufacturer's datasheet before converting to PCB. Any errors found should be reported to EasyEDA using the Report Error menu option. A procedure for creating, that can also be used for checking, Symbols and Footprints is described in (2.3) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> Essential Checks to be undertaken before doing Convert to PCB... and before submitting a PCB for manufacture are listed in (4) and (6) in (2) in the same topic.
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