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Improved Gerber Viewer??
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koosjr 6 years ago
When will JLCPCB have a n improved Gerber Viewer? I is unable to view some really simple PCB's which makes it highly inconvenient on the shopping chart to figure out which boards are under an image that cannot display.
Guest 6 years ago
Yes, we update the gerber viewer. But all not the file can be analysed exactly with a preview image, if you are not sure about it, then you can send your file to []( for checking.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@koosjr, For your own detailed pre-submission Gerber checking, I recommend that you use [gerbv](
koosjr 6 years ago
People, you guys just have to fix this problem! If I have a large shopping chart with multiple images that does not display it makes it nearly impossible to figure out what is in there and what is not! Come on people. These are things that we order for manufacturing. It is not like printing paper.
koosjr 6 years ago
Just to show you how impossible it is... Right, I load a PCB for which JLCPCB cannot view the gerber. The loader throws away the dimensions which I then have to put in manually... Yet the editor falsely shows "Success" for the upload ![image.png](// Right, now I start building up my shopping chart and with many things still to be loaded, I get to this: ![image.png](// As you can see, there is no single reference back to the EasyEDA PCB the I have generated the gerber from - something that JLCPCB promised many weeks ago will be done. And this function was previously available in the old EasyEDA. If I try to view the Gerber by clicking on it, I get to the next page of buggerall so I still can be 100% unsure about which PCB it is: ![image.png](// I really do not have the time now to contact JLCPCB support to check out that Gerber for me. This is the whole point of going online and these things worked perfectly in the old EasyEDA.
koosjr 6 years ago
@andyfierman, The problem is once the file hits the stupid shopping chart, there is no reference back to the Gerber file.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@koosjr, With your last few posts and screenshots I now understand the problem. Hopefully this will be true of JLCPCB too.
koosjr 6 years ago
Andy, This is the vendor you use for PCB manufacturing. I am pretty sure you can call the shots here. You give them great business.
UserSupport 6 years ago
JLPCB is improving the Gerber viewer all the time, but it is complicate and need more time.
koosjr 6 years ago
UserSupport, You guys had months to work on it and with all respect, if you only did extremely basic things like providing a link back to the EasyEDA project the Gerber was coming from, it could already help. The kinds of Gerber files that JLCPCB cannot view, is strange. It happens to the simplest boards possible. Surely if your Gerber can do the complex boards it must be able to do the simple ones too?
UserSupport 6 years ago
koosjr The old EasyEDA viewer is []( It is different with JLCPCB gerber viewer. the old easyeda gerber view is a very simple tool, without any gerber data analysis(even JLCPCB Gerber view tool gerber analysis is not very well). If you met some Gerber can not be viewed, please send it to [](, they will check it. when JCPCB Gerber viewer is stable, the old EasyEDA Gerber viewer would be shut down.
koosjr 6 years ago
@UserSupport, Please read my post above with the pictures in detail. I really find it annoying that you are not willing to respond to the matters in that detailed post. The problem is very clear and I offer an interim solution which can be applied.
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