I live in Hong Kong, JLCPCB and LCSC are in Shenzhen, just accross the border, maybe 1h away from me.
I ordered parts from LCSC with free delivery by SF Express and got them within 24h.
I'm wondering why SF Express is not an option for delivery of the PCB by JLCPCB.
For a similar weight in PCB, JLCPCB charges US$25 by DHL and US$12 by standard post.
I don't understand the discrepency.
As a counterpoint, I see that another competitor with the same board cost would ship the board by SF Express for only US$4. That's a US$20 saving a single order.
I like the integration of JLCPCB into EasyEDA but the lack of shipping options would certainly force me to consider another factory.
I know that my use case is not general, but since LCSC is already providing this option, I don't see what prevents JLCPCB from doing the same for quick shipment in the China/Hong Kong/Taiwan region.