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JLCPCB site - URL parameters (switches) to help search
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danieldawe 2 years ago
I like having URL links to relevant search categories prepared. For example: [](<br> <br> The link above will allow me to search the list of THT resistors, the name of which will contain the text "RD 201WS". But I can't find URL parameters for other things like: **Manufacturer** **Basic Parts** **In Stock** Can anyone tell me if such parameters exist?
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
Hello and thank you for your post here; Your request is not available because those parameters are specific and you will not be able to get them all combined together since the search could only have one parameter, for example if you use another search parameter like the manufacturer name then you will get another link like the following : []( I hope that you understand the meaning. Best regards
danieldawe 2 years ago
Thank you. Yes, I know what you mean. However, I can combine various parameters, such as **firstName** with **isSearch**, and it works. I just mean if there is any URL parameter that will allow me to select **Basic Parts** or **In Stock** ? ![image.png](//
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
@danieldawe I got the point, the search parameter could appear on the link but the Basic and in stock options are fillters and since these are not a searching parameter then is can't be added to the search links.
danieldawe 2 years ago
Ok, thank you.
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