You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
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vlrm.prjct 4 years ago
Ahoi, is there an official documentation about the LCSC API ? This endpoint is called on Easy-EDA => Library. And I want to play around with it. [``](`?do-something-with=params` If "No" and this endpoint should not be published in any form, you are welcome to delete this post. Best, Thomas
EdHayes3 4 years ago
I know JLCPCB has a a CSV file of parts you can dowload. Not the best, but it's something.
EdHayes3 4 years ago
Of course I can't go back and fix my spelling of download. EEK!
vlrm.prjct 4 years ago
Thanks for your response. A CSV download is not the same and not an option for an automatic process and for a "connection" with a thirdparty application. <br> <br>
Zapfmeister 3 years ago
You can use something like Burp Suite and check for the REST calls yourself ;-)
Zapfmeister 3 years ago
Im actually pretty unhappy with the current search functions as well. It would be great to have the following options: \- More details of the single components\, like Quiescent Current \- Basic Part vs Extended Part \- Available for assembly
Dhanish vijayan 2 years ago
Jlcpcb CSV file is no longer available. It has broken many plugins and integrations that I have worked with.
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