Hi there!
This is my first electronic design. I have just a basic understanding of simple circuits. Let's say i know "Ohms law" and that's pretty much it! lol
My project: [https://easyeda.com/firebird.formula.400/led-driver-pcb-v1-03](https://easyeda.com/firebird.formula.400/led-driver-pcb-v1-03)
I've placed an order on a few pcb's just yesterday. Most of the smd components has arrived from RS Components. Last evening i decided to solder together a test version using a matrix perf board. just to see if my circuit worked or not. I was well into the work when i realized that one of the components i ordered was in backorder. As this was a ceramic cap on the voltage supply side i assumed the circuit would work without it. Well that's unqualified guesswork from my side.
One thing is crystal clear: The LED driver does not feed power the the COB LED when applying voltage to the input of the driver from a bench psu. I can get it to trigger if i intermittently cut off the power supply by brushing the wire ends against the tabs of a lead acid battery (car battery) but that is of course not an acceptable solution in the long run.
Btw: i used the LM3404 circuit calculator [http://www.nomad.ee/micros/lm3404/index.shtml](http://www.nomad.ee/micros/lm3404/index.shtml) to pick the components.
My question is: Can the missing CIN cap be the reason my LED driver doesn't work properly or are there other problems with my circuit design?
I'm not sure why but i'm not able to use the Schematic capture function from the editor menu so i've manually added the link to my project...
Updated! Moved from Schematic Capture since this probably fits best in the category "General Discussion"