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Manually create pick and place from gerber and bom
1364 4
derkej 2 years ago
I don't know how to create a pick and place list, I found a gerber file online together with a BOM and a Picture of the Top and Bottem silk screen how can I create a pick and place list? []( <= This is the PCB with all the files. ![image.png](//
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
Hello ; <br> By doing reverse engineering you can generate the Pick&Place file, maybe you want to try uploading the GERBER file to a ECAD tool and try to generate the Pick&Place file, this is not so sure to be a working method but maybe it could be a path to deal with this, you can't create the pick and place file by yourself because it has the X and Y coordinates of each component and it should be measured with precision. Probably you want to change the topic of this post under "General Discuss" to get more interactions.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@derkej, You also need to know the pin 1 position and the exact placement centre of each component. It is probably easier and more likely to be successful to recreate the PCB in EasyEDA than to try to reverse engineer a workable pick and place file from the Gerbers.
andyfierman 2 years ago
Start by recreating the schematic from the User Manual and the BOM then convert that to a PCB.
ryandunbar 2 years ago
30 years + of computers, and I can confidently say, NO help menu has ever helped me! NOT EVEN ONCE SINCE 1991!
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