Hello, I've looked all around and searched google and the forums, but I cant seem to get to the custom attributes for a component using the online editor (is it not available online?). I must be missing something simple, because it there's no special mention of an extra setting in the tutorial: [https://docs.easyeda.com/en/Schematic/Component-Attributes/index.html](https://docs.easyeda.com/en/Schematic/Component-Attributes/index.html). Any help appreciated, thanks.
BTW, I'm just trying to build the most basic LC oscillator, so I know the simulator works as expected, using a V controlled switch. I have to change the parameters in the switch to turn off after the programmed pulse from the V1 goes from 1 to 0.
I'm following the instructions from below\, and its weird because I can view the Custom Attributes on the projects below\. I've even tried copying and pasting from them into my project\. And also importing the Voltage\_Controlled\_Switch form the library contributed from andyfierman\, with no luck\.
OKAY!!!, nevermind.. I'm going to submit this for future others, but I was using the Simulation mode (because why have to toggle between the modes for iterations of changes). Ironically, though Ive been at this for a couple hours, the forum wouldnt let me post, Im assuming because Simulation mode doesnt count for the 30-60 min threshold of trying before asking for help. Anyway, upon switching back to test if that was the case, It dawned on me that maybe Custom Attributes are only available in the design mode. Although, still confusingly inconsistent to be able to access the other examples in Simulation mode(?). Anyway, it worked and I can move on..