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Need a Designer
568 1
mporto 1 year ago
Hello forum members, I am currently in search of a skilled PCB designer who can assist me in modifying my existing PCB and making it modular. I have a controller with both digital and analog inputs and outputs, and I am looking to reduce the dimensions of the PCB. Specifically, I aim to change the current format from a 20cm x 20cm size to a smaller form factor while incorporating varying heights. The primary objective of this project is to optimize the space utilization on the PCB while maintaining its functionality. By making it modular, I hope to achieve greater flexibility in terms of layout and integration with other components. This will not only enhance the overall efficiency of the controller but also contribute to a more streamlined design. Ideally, I am seeking a PCB designer who possesses experience in downsizing and redesigning electronic circuits while considering factors such as heat dissipation, signal integrity, and component placement. Proficiency in CAD software and a solid understanding of electrical engineering principles would be highly beneficial for this undertaking. If you are a passionate and skilled PCB designer who can undertake this project, or if you know someone who fits this description, I would greatly appreciate your recommendations or expressions of interest. Feel free to contact me directly through this forum or via email to discuss the project in more detail. Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to connecting with talented individuals who can help me bring this vision to life. Best regards,
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Hello mporto! I would be interested to take on this project. However, I do have many projects under way for other people at the moment. But I think I can fit your project to my schedule. You can contact me through internal chat, PM or send a email to: [](<br> <br> Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
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