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Need some ESP versions with build in antennas to be SMD mounted!
820 12
Håkan Franzen 4 years ago
It it very hard to design antennas on a PCB  and there is no way for hobby electronics designers to order example: ESP32-WROVER SMB mounted. These is no options at all to do that here. Message me about other services that can do this or make it possible here!
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello, Kindly change the post topic to "Tpis & Skill" to get a better interaction with your request.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@fableman, ESP32-WROVER parts are already in the JLCPCB parts library: [](
Håkan Franzen 3 years ago
@andyfierman But need manual soldering ?
andyfierman 3 years ago
@fableman, You have not given enough information about your requirements to offer a clear answer. If you have the skills and appropriate soldering equipment then you may be able to find hand solder able parts in the EasyEDA or LCSC libraries. If you want the board to be assembled for you then you need to search the appropriate JLCPCB Assembly library.
andyfierman 3 years ago
It was suggested that you might get more help if you changed the Category of this topic to  **Tips and Skill**.
andyfierman 3 years ago
![image.png](// Most if not all of these modules are SMT.
Håkan Franzen 3 years ago
The thing is that I do not want to solder it by hand. I have build lots of PCBs with ESP's but always forced to solder them by hand.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@fableman, @JLCPCBsupport, @UserSupport, As my previous posts show, ESP32-WROVER parts are already in the JLCPCB parts library: [](<br> <br> and most if not all are SMT. This means that JLCPCB can assemble them onto a PCB for you. Please note however: [](
Håkan Franzen 3 years ago
Thank you very much!
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@fableman Please consider that all the parts available at [JLCPCB Parts library]( are available for assembly. About the antenna, you can make your own antenna designed on your PCB layout, as I recommended before, please change the topic of this post to "Tpis & Skill" category and try to specify the MCU that you are dealing with in order to get more tips on how to set the appropriate antenna. Thank you
andyfierman 3 years ago
I would not recommend trying to design your own PCB antenna. Even with the appropriate test equipment, antenna design is a specialist area of expertise and, due to the various national and international regulatory requirements, it is difficult to achieve effective performance and the necessary legal regulatory compliance without extensive 3rd party support. This is why modules with on-board antennas and certified compliance are available.
andyfierman 3 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport, Please note that the original request was for an SMT module with a built-in antenna. Most of the modules listed in JLCPCB parts meet that requirement so there should be no need to try to design an antenna. As long as the guidelines in the chosen module applications notes are followed then the module will meet regulatory requirements and perform better than almost all attempts to use a 3rd party antenna design that is external to the module.
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