You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
[Notice]EasyEDA will be Maintenance at 2022.05.08 10:00~12:00 GMT+8:00
1812 8
UserSupport 2 years ago
Hi All EasyEDA will be Maintenance at 2022.05.08 10:00~12:00 GMT+8:00 this maintenance is for upgrade the server host, it will stop the server for two hours At that period, you can't access EasyEDA, can't save or open the online file. If you are editing documents online, please 1, export files as EasyEDA format and save to local, when EasyEDA recover, you can import them and save, via: File - Export - EasyEDA... and File - Open - EasyEDA, 2, or you can keep the editor open, when EasyEDA recover, you can continue to save it, if you close the editor accidently, you can find out the documenr recovery at: Top menu - Advanced - Document Recovery Any help please contact us: [](
bboyadzhiev 2 years ago
Good morning from Bulgaria! Has the update completed? I am unable to login to Designer, User Center, Personal Workspace.
zilefc 2 years ago
It seems that is uncompleted yet
UserSupport 2 years ago
@bboyadzhiev @zilefc Hi Any images? at my side all projects is good, can you refresh the editor and check again? if you can login, please try login with incognito mode of browser
@usersupport I'm using EasyEDA at about 5/8 16:20(UTC+8), I can successfully save my schematic but can't update to PCB. It keeps showing that "Fail to connect to server! Please check your internet connection status and try again!" Does the server still in maintenance?
zilefc 2 years ago
@usersupport Its working 100% now
UserSupport 2 years ago
@nctutonytony1204.eed06 Hi, it should works fine now, any problem please let me know.
Mustafa_gul 2 years ago
I have the same problem, it says cannot connect to the server while updating the pcb.
UserSupport 2 years ago
@mustafa_gul @usersupport @nctutonytony1204.eed06 @zilefc @bboyadzhiev Hi, current method 1,Open the schematic, and save as a new project 2, and then via Design - Update Component from Library, update all parts at schemaitc 3, and then you can update to PCB or Convert to PCB we are solving this issue, it need some time
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