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Offer slow shippement for large orders + handle VAT to europe at checkout
5104 0
nipil 2 years ago
Hello Pleas enhance your service on two counts : \- handle VAT at checkout for orders to Europe \(following newest regulation\) \- offer slow tracked shipping for large orders \(anything but FEDEX/DHL and similar\) I just placed a (somewhat large, ~500 US$ and 3.8kg weight ) order on LCSC and i am sad to see that : \- only these expensive companies were available \(75$ for 3\.8kg\) \- as usual they will charge me with additionnal "administrative fees" for handling the VAT I do not mind paying the VAT and customs, but : \- i want to be able to choose the shipping method i want and better manage the shipping costs \- i do not want to be forced to give additionnal money to shipping companies which add administrative fees when they handle VAT So please, LCSC, enhance your shipping offers for heavier shippements and do manage the VAT yourselves at checkout As far as i have seen, JLCPCB already offer these enhancement on my previous orders. Please follow their lead ! Regards, Nicolas
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