You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Opening PCB
597 8
WellSight 5 years ago
When I open one of my PCB layouts it's 500 mm from the card image and I have to Zoom/scroll to get to the PCB image which is at 0/0 coordinates. I have set "Canvas Origin" to 0/0 and it does not help. Or I am doing something wrong. Not a major issue, but a real inconvenience. The other PCBs don't act this way.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Check the PCB and each unique footprint to make sure that they do not have some spurious element way off in the distance. Make a copy and then press K to zoom to fit. Then Left-click-drag select the whole of the PCB inside the board edge. Delete the whole selection. Do K again to zoom into anything that might be left. If that doesn't work, use Find Similar Objects to select and then delete every instance of each unique footprint in turn and do K. Undo to revert to the footprint that when removed, stopped the shift. Then identify that footprint and look it up in the library and open for editing to see what the problem is. Then either clone and fix it, saving with a new, unique name then update the name in all the symbols in you PCB that call it and then do update PCB or update the footprints in the PCB. Or Report an Error on the footprint then when notified it's been fixed, update the footprints in the PCB.
WellSight 5 years ago
@andyfierman Sorry Andy but I am dense and do not follow. Check the PCB and each unique footprint to make sure that they do not have some spurious element way off in the distance. Make a copy and then press K to zoom to fit.    Make a copy of what? How if I can't see it? Then Left-click-drag select the whole of the PCB inside the board edge.  This makes no sense to me Delete the whole selection. Do K again to zoom into anything that might be left. If that doesn't work, use Find Similar Objects to select and then delete every instance of each unique footprint in turn and do K.  WHATTTTTT? Undo to revert to the footprint that when removed, stopped the shift. Then identify that footprint and look it up in the library and open for editing to see what the problem is. Then either clone and fix it, saving with a new, unique name then update the name in all the symbols in you PCB that call it and then do update PCB or update the footprints in the PCB. Or Report an Error on the footprint then when notified it's been fixed, update the footprints in the PCB.
WellSight 5 years ago
@andyfierman Dumb blind luck! Clicked on every component in the Manager and each was on the board. So I drug a box around the whole thing and copied. Pasted a bit away and then deleted it and presto! The card now opens in the center of the design window. What would happen if a part was off in the distance? Thanks.
andyfierman 5 years ago
Good job fixing it. Sorry, I wasn't clear about what meant by: "Make a copy and then press K to zoom to fit." The idea was to make a copy of your pcb. Then you could do all the drastic sounding things to it to locate the problem without breaking the actual pcb. Then once you've found the problem, fix it in the original. Better still, make a second copy and test the fix in that one before applying it to the original. Seems you are struggling a bit with some of the terminology and concepts so it might be worth you having a read of: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f]( to help put some of my comments into context.
WellSight 5 years ago
My fix worked until I closed the app and restarted the next day. Now it's back to the  old behavior. What if there is some part 500 mm away? Can it do any harm? I'll try cloning or a copy paste to another PCB blank and see what happens. Thanks.
andyfierman 5 years ago
"What if there is some part 500 mm away?" Entirely depends on what that "part" is. Your project is private so only you can see it. If you make it public and post the link to it or add me to your team then I may be able to find and fix the problem.
WellSight 5 years ago
@andyfierman  Tell me how to add you.
andyfierman 5 years ago
It's in the FAQ which points to the Tutorial. []( Hint: just add to my username.
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