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[PCB Assembly News] Global parts sourcing Now AVAILABLE
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JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
We are gladly sharing the news about our JLCPCB Assembly service after getting an upgrade early this week. We brought the global parts sourcing to all our customers, this way you, whenever you need a specific electronics component and you don't find it in our [JLCPCB parts library]( then you can simply buy it through JLCPCB website from external distributors and get it assembled by JLCPCB. We happily invite you to check more details about this new feature through this link : [](<br> <br> ![275466546_1249433712247161_9015991520677464600_n.jpg](// Best is yet to come : )
mwon 2 years ago
Will it be possible for us to send components? I have a design with around 50 unique components, which I have chosen based on your library. However, I have three components not available in your stock, nor the distributors you work with within this feature of "global parts sourcing". I can however get the component by myself. Will it be possible for me to send them to you and they become part of my part manager library? Thanks
ROBERT ALLEN 2 years ago
How do I use Global Sourcing parts in EasyEDA?  These are digikey parts that don't have an LCSC part number, so they don't show up in the Library search.  Do I need to create my own footprint?
JazekerXX 2 years ago
@robert_6701 That's exactly my question too.. Very disappointing nobody responds to these questions.
andyfierman 2 years ago
The first thing to do is to look for a suitable Footprint in any library. Then, if there's a suitable Symbol for it in any library, clone it, save it with a unique name and a clear Description then assign the found Footprint to it and save it. If the supplier, manufacturer name and part number attributes are incorrect then update them and resave. If a suitable Footprint or Symbol cannot be found then edit something close or create a new one from scratch. In all cases, the Symbol and Footprint must be checked carefully against the original manufacturer's datasheets. There's more about this in the Tutorial, (1) and (2.3) in (2) in: [](
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