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PCB Not Manufacturable !?
2981 9
peternarbus 6 years ago
Hello - I sent my order to JLCPCB for 10 boards.  After reviewing the order, they said the could not build because there is no solder mask bottom side, and I ordered ENIG plating. I need the back side of the PCB to be bare plated metal (gold or silver are good, not HASL because it is not flat) because the back surface mates with an aluminum heatsink. I designed the board to be easy to manufacture; large traces/spaces, relatively large via diameters, etc. Can you suggest any way I can have JLCPCB build these boards?  Or possibly suggest another manufacturer who might be able to? You can see my order below. Thank you, ![image.png](// ![image.png](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
Try contacting JLCPCB support directly? Are you not using heatsink compound paste or a silicone pad to minimise the thermal resistance between the PCB and the heatsink? If you use paste or pad then you could use HASL and maybe JLCPCB could fab it and the cost savings would probably pay for the paste or pad and labour.
peternarbus 6 years ago
Hi Andy - Yes, I have been doing emails with JLC Tech support, but they don't have an answer how they can build my board. Do you know if they will plate with silver or tin? HASL finish is too uneven to make good thermal contact even with heat sink compound.  I will not use HASL.  I need a plated noble metal. Thank you,
andyfierman 6 years ago
I don't know if they offer any other finishes than the two HASL (leaded or lead-free) and the Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG). Have they said why they can't make it? What particular feature is it that makes it unmanufacturable on their processes? If it's the top to bottom copper area imbalance then you could copper flood areas to try to get more copper on the top layer. If you use silicone thermal padding instead of heatsink compound paste then the issue with the surface flatness goes away because the silicone has a finite thickness and is very compliant. It's more expensive but a lot less messy.
UserSupport 6 years ago
JLCPCB don't support gold flashing on the exposed copper
andyfierman 6 years ago
Even though gold flashing, is not offered, Electroless Nickel Immersion Gold (ENIG) is a finish option that is offered and that gives an overall very flat and very very thin gold layer on the exposed copper.
peternarbus 6 years ago
JLCPCB said they can not make the board with ENIG.  I believe the reason is because there is too much copper area to plate - the whole backside has no mask and is a copper pour. Thank you but, I do not want to use a thermal pad, I may use thermal paste, not sure yet, have to test the thermal performance to decide. I just want the the back side plated with metal, gold, silver, nickel or tin will work.  Not OPS.
Selina 6 years ago
@peternarbus Hi Peter, sorry to make you confused, in your remark, you said that: No solder mask bottom side, just gold plated copper. So we reply you that we do not support to make gold plated, what we make is Immersion Gold, but not plated gold, sorry not to make it clear in the e-mail. When you replied, you said that you want to make it with bare metal, but we do not make it with bare copper, we do not know whether we make us misunderstood. So sorry for that. If what you really mean is to cover the bottom side with ENIG( immersion gold), then we can make it for you, we have replied you by e-mail, please kindly check it. Sorry again for the confusion caused. JLCPCB Support
peternarbus 6 years ago
Hello, Thank you for your reply.  Yes, what I want is ENIG plating top and bottom. It the problem that there is too much plating on bottom side?  I can remove some of the copper from the bottom and resend the gerbers if that makes it easier.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@peternarbus, @Selina, I think what Selina is saying is that if you submit it again with **ENIG** ticked but in the remarks just say **"All Soldermask on bottom layer has been removed deliberately to expose ENIG finish. Therefore please manufacture PCB with no soldermask on bottom layer."** then they will understand what you want and can make it.
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