Hi guys, So after many weeks trying to do my first PCB project I've finally finished it, I have checked my schematics and my PCB Layout several times and many of then I found some mistakes that had to be fixed and I fixed it, but I'm not 100% sure if my board is ready for manufacturing. As I'm not an engineer, a design or an electronics student, just an 18 years old hobbyist trying to transform my dreams into reality, I'd like to receive some advice from engineers or designer about my board, I've based my project in 2 existing schematics the (Arduino Mega 2560) and the (Easy VR 3 shield) but I did a lot of modifications, so if anyone could take a look at my project I would be very grateful, you don't need to see the entire project, just spot some beginners errors or give me some advice to help me improve this board. This is the link to my project: [https://easyeda.com/Natanaelprado/nex-discovery-board-rev1](https://easyeda.com/Natanaelprado/nex-discovery-board-rev1)