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PCB check - advices
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Natanaelprado 4 years ago
Hi guys, So after many weeks trying to do my first PCB project I've finally finished it, I have checked my schematics and my PCB Layout several times and many of then I found some mistakes that had to be fixed and I fixed it, but I'm not 100% sure if my board is ready for manufacturing. As I'm not an engineer, a design or an electronics student, just an 18 years old hobbyist trying to transform my dreams into reality, I'd like to receive some advice from engineers or designer about my board, I've based my project in 2 existing schematics the (Arduino Mega 2560) and the (Easy VR 3 shield) but I did a lot of modifications, so if anyone could take a look at my project I would be very grateful, you don't need to see the entire project, just spot some beginners errors or give me some advice to help me improve this board. This is the link to my project: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Have you gone through the document (2.3) and checklists (4) and (6) in: ****[**Welcome to EasyEDA**](**** ? If not, please do so before asking for people to spot things that you should already have picked up. If you are asking people to give up their review your designs then you owe it to them to give them as much information about your design as possible. "I've based my project in 2 existing schematics the (Arduino Mega 2560) and the (Easy VR 3 shield) but I did a lot of some beginners errors or give me some advice to help me improve this board." It would have been better to ask for this sort of help before you started the PCB design and then asked again later about the PCB. Any mistakes that need to be corrected in the schematic could mean serious rework of the PCB. Normally you would do a schematic design review first, before starting the PCB, then fix the schematic nissues that review brings up. Then start the PCB design. When a first pass of the PCB is done then do a PCB review and go back and fiix the PCB issues that brings up. " don't need to see the entire project..." Yes you do. You cannot view a schematic or a PCB in isolation: they are just different aspects of the same thing. What is in the schematic has a direct effect on how the PCB must be laid out. How the PCB is laid out affects how well the circuit in the schematic may function. Changes needed to optimise the PCB layout may require changes to be made in the schematic that then have to be forward annotated into the PCB for them to be implemented. For example supply routing may require additional decoupling capacitances to be added or clock routing may require layer changes that then need special attention to the swapping of a signal return path from being on a power plane to a ground plane, suich as the addition on capacitors connected between the power and ground planes around the via that swaps the signal layers. To see what a professional Design Review entails you might like to read this: [https://docs\.google\.com/document/d/1jgXGyomY7\-mq\-fVc\_chFbUrQgt3a4qIs\_SqJMgTeguM/edit?usp=sharing](
Natanaelprado 4 years ago
Yeah, you're right before I create my PCB Layout I've checked some times my schematics, but even so, I've found some footprint errors later and I had to fix it, so I've found the "Update PCB" option in the schematics, and it's working pretty good for me... I could fix a lot of errors in my PCB with it. But I don't know why there is one error in my schematic with the netlabel "+5V/ IO_REF" in the Design manager, I couldn't figure out what is this error and don't know if it's a bug, and in the PCB there are two clearance errors in a Solder Jumper "Ground" but it's a Solder Jumper so... there should be no clearance error, it's a real error or it's a bug? and the schematics that I've based is here: [https://content\.arduino\.cc/assets/MEGA2560\_Rev3e\_sch\.pdf]( and here... ![page1_1.png](// ![page2_1.png](//
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