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Panelization cost
867 4
Edibertuz 5 years ago
Does JLCPCB now charge  8 extra dollars for panelization? ( don't remember being like that, for total dimensions under 100x100mm) Thanks
MikeDB 5 years ago
Do you mean actual panelisation (for use with a SMT solder machine) or just putting multiple PCBs on a single 100 x 100 board with snap off holes between them ?
Edibertuz 5 years ago
the second one, before was included in the 5 dollars for 10 boards
MikeDB 5 years ago
@Edibertuz Yes I used to do that a lot.  I gather they now charge you as each PCB being separate even if you want them all joined.
pcb_Service 5 years ago
@[Edibertuz](, Currently, it will cost extra fee for panelization which contian more than one design on the board, you can contact with []( for specification about the rules.
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