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Part from Library had right pins, right spacing, but no holes
1335 5
Joseph Massimino 6 years ago
The first board I had made came today. The audio transformers had the right spacing, right pin count, just no holes. And the pads were the size of a pin head, tiny.  So i got 100 boards that are junk.. This was my discounted board order, my first. When I submitted my second before I got my first, the cancelled it and sent it back because of the no hole issues. So that made me wonder why they noticed it on the second order, but not the first. They made me 100 boards that have to go in the garbage. So my question is , how do I take the part, and make the correction on it for my own use? I can't make the correction in schematic view, it has to be in PCB view. I don't see how I am going to correct this.? Will I have to say goodbye to the money I spent on boards I can't use?
andyfierman 6 years ago
You need to tell us what part(s) you are referring to. Can you share this project with me (and if there is more than one in the project, clearly indicate which schematic and PCB you are referring to)? I'll have a look at what went wrong and try to fix the symbol and/or footprint.
andyfierman 6 years ago
If this is the part that you want a footprint for: []( []( then there are two other user-contributed versions. One is from the contributor of the footprint that you originally chose and clearly indicates that there was some mistake in their first version (which is at least the ridiculously small hole diameter in the pads of 1um - yes that's: 10e-6 m - which is why your original board was rejected because it is not possible to fabricate a PCB with a through-plated hole that small. Any attempt to do so will result in a pad with no hole at all in it): ![image.png](// The other has been made to _look_ a bit more like the picture of the real part: ![image.png](// However, I have to say that: The datasheet information on the aliexpress page is pretty much a waste of time because although it shows the pin diameters, it does not show their spacinf or with respect to the outer dimensions. The webpage for these parts in banggood is utterly useless. It gives no information about pin diameters, positions or connectivity. The height of the transformer body is not given. So basically you buy them and then design the PCB footprint to suit whatever ended up in the bag you had delivered to you. Please note that: 1. the footprints identified above (and the original schematic symbol) are **user contributed** so it is the responsibility of the designer to check them very, very carefully against all available information to verify their suitability and accuracy before using them in a design. 2. The final step in checking every PCB before submitting MUST be to check the Gerber files. A mistake like this should have been picked up by either of these checks. To reiterate, these checks are detailed in (4), (5) and (6) of: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
Joseph Massimino 6 years ago
Andy, that was very helpful in understanding what went wrong. They did not reject the first board, they made it with those mistakes and just left the holes off, which made the boards garbage once they got to me. They did reject the second board using the same part for that reason, and for that reason, I asked them to credit me for the first board that they failed to reject. They are giving me a hard time about it, claiming that I am giving them order numbers that don't exist. What kind of BS s that when I take the order number off of their web site and paste it in the message?  The next email to them had a screen shot of their order page. I wonder what kind of bullshit they will give me with that. In any case, i took the transformer I had and modified the pads to be to my liking, the same with the holes. I widened the traces this time, since the garbage boards they made for me with the bad part on it could have been salvaged with a little work if there were any pads, or traces bigger than a needle. The problem I see now, I don't know what the significance of it is, but one leg on one transformer got detached from the image, so when I highlight the part, one leg does not highlight. It is connected fine, so I don't know why the leg stays dim when I select the part. I'm getting ready to submit another board, but not until I can verify it all. Each order I places, when it looked good to me, one or two traces would be gone, or the silkscreen would be missing on something. I am puzzled at how that happened, and it cost me  a lot of money to get boards made that have either small, or big problems, depending on which board it is. So back to the problem with the one leg of one transformer that is detached from the image, is there a way to get it back to be part of the image?  I had a similar problem where silkscreen images would detach from pads, so I had to move the pad, then move the silkscreen. What I think is happening can be corrected by the programmers of the software, when you forget to click off of a part, and you click a second part, they get attached to each other, and that leads to problems when trying to edit parts. They have to be detached so i can edit one of them. I've been able to deal with that, but not with the problem with that one leg of the transformer that got detached from the image. What I learned to do is make my traces as big as I can, and increase the clearance on them.  Also to make pads bigger, and teh holes in the pads bigger. The mounting holes are now as big as they need to be to match my standoffs. So this has been on big learning curve. Thanks for all your input, it helps. Joe
andyfierman 6 years ago
@Joe, Is this missing leg a problem with a part you have picked out of the library or is it one you have created yourself? If it's one you created yourself, when you created your PCB footprint, did you make in directly in the PCB Editor or did you use the PCB Lib Editor?
Joseph Massimino 6 years ago
@andyfierman No, I did not create the part, and when I got it from the library, I expect that it was checked by someone for accuracy before they let others use it. They should not let member submit parts unchecked for accuracy. In this case, they got the measurements correct, and they pin=pointed where  the holes should go, but did not specify an actual hole.  So when I saw the marks for the holes, and having no experience with what it should look like, ia assumed that the marks were holes. I corrected it on other boards, but the first 100 boards were a big waste of money The part is they Aliexpress Ei14  audio transformer, you can get i by searching for it. By the time I got to my 4th board design i got exactly what I think will work. Such is life, there was a learning curve, and it was rather sharp at first.   It appears that JLCPCB shutdown for some kind of workers holiday, so the orders got held up for a few days. I may get my boards by next week, where I initially thought I would have them this week.
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