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Part attribute descriptions in libraries
1334 6
andyfierman 11 years ago
******BUG****** Concise problem statement: -------------------------- There are different part attribute descriptions of similar parts in different libraries. This can confuse new users and could also lead to confusion in BoM generation. The problem: ------------ Components from some libraries have a *Value* part attribute. The same type of component from another library may have a *name* part attribute. The *name* part attribute appears to be used for the same function as the *Value* part attribute. For example, resistors and capacitors from the LTspice symbols and from the Basic(Spice) libraries have *Value* part attributes. However, Resistors and capacitors from the SparkFun libraries have *name* part attributes. This may confuse new users and could also lead to confusion in BoM generation. Thanks. Browser:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.66 Safari/537.36
dillon 11 years ago
Hi, We will add it to our TODO list.
example 11 years ago
This problem causes some other very bad effects .... It quite hard to explain all of them but this is a good example of the kind of problems the user will get: 1) The user runs the simulation: Simulate > Run the Document... > Transient > Run Waveform plots appear. The user wants to change the jfet part number that they simulate. They edit the **NJF** text in the schematic to **MMBF4117**. Save. Simulate > Run the Document... > Transient > Run Waveform plots appear. The problem is that they have changed the **name** of the part but not the **spice model**. 2) If the user does not properly understand the difference between: **Properties > Part Attributes > name = NJF** and **Properties > Custom Attributes > Model = NJF** and they edit **Properties > Part Attributes > name = MMBF4117** then they think they have correctly simulated an MMBF4117 when in fact they have only re-run the sim with the default NJF model. There is nothing in the Simulation Report that will show them that they have made an error. This is very bad because in this particular example: there is no MMBF4117 model in the EE library! So there are two errors that the user does not get any warning about: i) simulation run with a different model from the one they think they have run; ii) the model they think they have chosen in fact does not exist in the libraries. In fact there is a 3rd problem: the BoM will "correctly" show the MMBF4117 part. 3) If the user **does** properly understand the difference between: **Properties > Part Attributes > name = NJF** and **Properties > Custom Attributes > Model = NJF** and they edit **Properties > Custom Attributes > Model = MMBF4117** then when they run the sim waveform plots still appear ***even though an error is reported in the Simulation Report***: `Error on line 9 : jtr1 c4_1 jtr1_3 r4_2 mmbf4117` `Unable to find definition of model mmbf4117 - default assumed ` So unless the user remembers to check the Simulation Report they ***still get no warning that they have made an error***. To confuse the user even more, the BoM will still show the NJF part. Screenshot url:
dillon 11 years ago
ckeck the file again. I have fixed it. I will try to make it good in the next generation EasyEDA libs.
example 11 years ago
Hi Dillon, I have look again at: `` but I'm not sure what you have changed ...
dillon 11 years ago
Oh, We use same accout example, I modify it, but you modify it again. EE don't support cooperation. So your save replace my save. Add a user para. nameAlias Model So, Name will be replace Model.
example 11 years ago
Oops! Sorry about that. I will have to be more careful about working in the example login! "Add a user para. nameAlias Model So, Name will be replace Model." Yes, you explained this before. I had not realised that was what you had done.
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