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Parts on Extended list seem to never be in stock
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MikeDB 4 years ago
There are lots of parts, especially ICs, which are on the extended list for being mounted with the JLCPCB SMD service, but the number in stock is always zero.  If the part is never going to be in stock again, can it be removed from the Extended list.  Or if the intention is to restock it could a date be given when it will be in stock again. Some sample parts that effect me are C404010 and C128646, but there are 100s of others.  It is impossible to replace these sort of components with alternatives so it isn't worth getting the board loaded at JLCPCB as the board will need reworking once back in the UK
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Dear Mike ; The parts that you see in our SMT Parts library are the parts that entered to our stocks so if you see the quantity zero for some parts then it means that the part has been stored but the stock is now empty, but as long as the part is listed in our library then it means it will be reloaded. Your suggestion is well considered and maybe we could provide a notification feature that notifies the users once some parts are reloaded. Thank you for the time taken to write to us here.
MikeDB 4 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport I think a notification might help, but really you need to always keep a small quantity of all the Basic and Extended parts in stock.  Either that or accept  missing parts being sent from other suppliers. I've had to send the PCB to one of your competitors because they told me they can obtain all the parts I need.  I don't like doing it because you provide EasyEDA free of charge and it's a lot of effort to change the BOM to another company's format, but I didn't have any other option.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@MikeDB We totally understand and respect your decisions. About keeping a small quantity of parts in stock, this is not possible because the logistics don't order the parts each part aside but they are reloading batch of parts means when a part has zero stock it needs to wait to other parts to get zero stock too then it reloads and the logistics have their own algorithm to decide stock reload dates. Hopefully it gets better, I know that this is a weakness in our SMT assembly service but be sure that we are working on it to make it better. About getting parts from external supplier, this is not possible because we trust only the quality of our own stored parts and getting parts from other suppliers could cause some quality issues and handling the situation could be worst then. New parts have been added to the library and we are improving this as well by enlarging the parts types and categories. Thank you Mike for the time taken to write to us here. We are counting on your understanding. Best Regards.
MikeDB 4 years ago
@JLCPCB support Thanks for your reply.  Is it possible then for LCSC/JLCPCB to say when they are likely to restock a part and add this to the information on the part ?   If I order a part from RS or Farnell and it is out of stock it will always say something like "New stock expected 10/01/2021" or something like that.  If LCSC/JLCPCB could do that it would help planning a PCB enormously as users could see which parts are most likely to be available in the future and design those in.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@MikeDB We are more than happy to get suggestions from users like you and we seriously consider every single message and suggestion so thank you for your comments and we will see the possibility of adding reload expectation date for the zero stock parts. Please be sure that we are always looking for what is best for our customers so if any suggestion is possible then we definitely execute it. Many thanks ^_^
MikeDB 4 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport   That would be good.  I never like using other PCB companies - they are all slower, more expensive, the quality is not as good, and they don't have the direct link into a PCB tool like EasyEDA or KiCad so you have to prepare the BOM and placement data manually and it's easy to make a mistake. If you had the parts in stock I would never consider using anybody else.
bwinter 4 years ago
I also have to agree, that having unreliable SMT inventory (and no insight into restocking) is the one thing that is forcing me to go elsewhere to have boards fabricated, too.  I simply can't have a board that is designed and tested--and then later find a couple components are now out-of-stock (with no clue when, or if, they will ever be restocked). Seems that this has been requested multiple times over the last year--so hopefully we can see something actually implemented (instead of just "under consideration").
andyfierman 4 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport, It is probably worth considering that if you do sort out the stock and inventory control then word will get round pretty fast that JLCPCB have a solid PCBA offering and people will come to JLCPCB even if they have never heard of or used EasyEDA. That in turn will lead more people to use EasyEDA for the simplified workflow and hence more PCBs will be put through JLCPCB. What's not to like? :)
milordy 4 years ago
Ele precisa melhorar os filtros de pesquisa, o mosfet por exemplo tem milhares, mas demora muito para encontrar um adequado, ele deve ter um filtro de pesquisa ... assim como o lcsc e uma opção para mostrar apenas o que você tem em estoque.
Danielo Rodríguez 2 years ago
So, two years has passed and the situation is still the same. The other day I designed a very basic PCB and I got an out of date notice. After going through the inconvenience of finding a replacement, changing my order and all that, a couple of hours later I got another notification that the substitute was also out of stock. What joke is this? I can't waste time continuously finding replacements for such a simple task.
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