I don't know if this is possible but on my sketch I have used some Arduino layout for example:
I would like to add female pinheaders to hold it to the board which are assembled on it at manufacturing like this:
I checked the library chosing JLCPCB assembled there are similar connectors like HDR-TH_9P-P2.54-V-F-1 but if I would to use these then I would have to delete the Arduino layout and put these to where it's pins are so my question is:
Isn't there an easier way you can replace them with these type of connectors still using the original library?
Also I have a bunch of regular round shape holes what I just placed with "P" on the board and will serve as male pin headers like these:
isn't there an easy way to replace them with these pin headers without deleting them finding something in the library and replacing them?
Also 1 final question about the BOM: will everything in the BOM with JLCPCB partnumber be pick and placed on the board? I ask because I have used layouts with referring parts but I don't want all of those to be added to the final assembly just the connectors what I select, how is this works?