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Please remove parts from JLCPCB Extended list if they are not available
891 2
MikeDB 4 years ago
I designed in LCSC Part C55513 which is on the extended parts list but stated as 0 stock at JLCPCB. So I asked LCSC when it would be available so they could send some to JLCPCB in due course and they've replied "part is Unavailable".  So now I have to redesign the PCB using another part.
topirinkinen 4 years ago
It would be nice, if JLCPCB/Parts had a list of components which are kind of "preferred parts" (both basic and extended). Meaning they will be restocked when out-of-stock. Now, one cannot rely on any part found on the library, unless it has direct replacements (like 0603 resistors and some mosfets). -Topi
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@topirinkinen Hello Thank you for the time taken to write to us here. Maybe a mask of the zero stock part could help to supervise the available stocks only. Please consider that a "favorite" part has to be selected depending on the part's consumption, the frequently consumed parts move to basic list and them reloading stocks will be frequently handled. The stock reloading depending also on the supplier stocks so a stock shortage at LCSC leads to a part shortage at JLCPCB because we "as JLCPCB" are getting parts for assembly from LCSC. Probably we will be able to support parts from other supplier and this could help to solve the components stock shortage, still no clear date on the establishment of such feature but this could be possible. We are counting on your understanding. Thank you.
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