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Quick n00b question - using components not stocked by JLCPCB
514 4
DYEvans 2 years ago
Hi, So I am just designing a very simple circuit board which will use these Wago connectors: [](<br> <br> They are not in any of the catalogs on EasyEDA or JLCPCB. Is there any way for JLCPCB to make a PCB with these components mounted? It isn't too much of an issue as I go through testing, but if I scale up I was wondering if JLCPCB are the right service.
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
Hello Thank you for writing to us. Please check [the parts library](, if the connector you that you are looking for doesn't appear in there then it is not supported for assembly. <br> Feel free to let us know if you need any furtehr details
andyfierman 2 years ago
@jlcpcbsupport, @DYEvans, Please note the references to being able to source parts - that are listed but may be out of stock in the JLCPCB library - from DigiKey and Mouser in this topic: [](<br> <br> There is also this on the JLCPCB pages: [](<br> <br> and in particular Step 8: "Making new parts request".
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
@andyfierman Thank you, as mentioned in my previous comment if the part doesn't appear in JLCPCB parts library then it is not possible to assemble it (especially if it has specific part footprint) so if it appears in the parts library "even with 0 stock" it means it could be assembled then the customer could source it from external supplier, the "new parts request" is also an option.
DYEvans 2 years ago
Thanks for the information
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