You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
[SMT Assembly] Wrong components placement
7638 18
Paul Parneix 5 years ago
Helle there, I wanted to try the SMT Assembly option on a new project, decided to try EasyEDA for maximum compatibility. I Exported BOM & CPL files from EasyEDA, but when placing order on JLCPCB, components position / rotation / polarity seems completely mesed up on the preview  : ![cpl.jpeg](// It is a preview error ? or do I have to edit the files manually ? Thanks. Paul.
Kaisha 5 years ago
I came across the same problem.  Not only were the components all over the place, but the polarity of some of the diodes was reversed. ![Relay3.jpg](//
Rodrigo Venegas 5 years ago
I have the same problem
Paul Parneix 5 years ago
@Kaisha: hmm positions looks correct in csv file, and bug seems consistent in your picture and mine, so I guess it's a bug on JLCPCB viewer. But not quite sure about polarity and rotation.
Kaisha 5 years ago
The translation seems uniform across all the components, so I can see that might just be a preview bug but the mosfets and diodes are rotated 180 in the wrong direction.  The LEDs, though, are correct.  Also the small text is all rendered incorrectly. I'm hoping that someone from JLCPCB will look into this, I'd rather not spend $50 on a set of boards only to have to desolder half the components and resolder them by hand.
pcb_Service 5 years ago
Dear Paul, This is Eunice from JLCPCB group. We are so sorry for the inconvenience caused to your order. The online previewer result is only for reference, the final SMT board will be made exactly according to your design, so please double check and comfirm there is no problem in your design, our engineer will check the components position / rotation / polarity for you and assemble your board as your design is. Currently we are keeping working on the previewer, thanks your feedback, we will try our best to make the previewer more precise to customer for reference. Since our SMT service is newly launched, if there is any problem and advice concerning the ordering system and the SMT service, please just feel free to contact with us at []( We look forward to your precious advices and make our service better.
Kaisha 5 years ago
While components are now centered correctly on the board, the diodes are still backwards. ![Relay4.jpg](//
UserSupport 5 years ago
Copy to @Andyfierman @Kaisha @rodrigo.venegas.13 Hi There are some methods to solve this issue: 1、modify pick and place file rotation manually, and then re-upload. 2、re-assign a correct 0 orentation package(you can find a new one or edit officail pcblib save as yourself lib) muanlly at the schemactic, and update to PCB, re-export the pick and place file and re-upload.  []( 3、waiting for EasyEDA update all smt part, that will take a long time. please report error when you met these issue: []( 4、waiting for JLCPCB support to modify the rotation when ordering, that will take a long time Thanks
JohnBerg 5 years ago
@Kaisha Q1 is also rotated! I have the same problem. In the previewer, the components are in the right place, but IC's are 90 degrees rotated. I wonder if a order for assemblie will go well? Thanks
Kaisha 5 years ago
Thanks for the info UserSupport.  Can I assume then that the previewer is correct, and that if I make the changes and it shows correctly in the preview that it will be built correctly? The whole point of choosing easyeda/lcsc/jlcpcb was because its tight integration would eliminate these sorts of issues.  At the very least basic parts should have proper footprints and placement.
Paul Parneix 5 years ago
@Kaisha, on my side, component placement is still offseted. Have you done any trick to make it work ? Best. Paul.
Kaisha 5 years ago
Nope, it seemed to fix on its own.  Haven't checked in the last week though, been busy with other stuff.
Adam Paquette 3 years ago
My component is not rotated. Any updates? What can we trust?
andyfierman 3 years ago
@nfs120, You need to at least post some screenshots to illustrate your issue.
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@nfs120 It depends on the design tool that you are using, if you want to modify the Part orientation then you can do this by modifying the P&P file. As Andy said, you can share some screen-shots of your issue so we can help you better. Engineers at JLCPCB will fix the parts orientation but you can do this yourself as I said by modifying the P&P file and I recommend that you do modify the P&P file yourself before you submit it to production just to make sure that everything has been set the way you want.
Adam Paquette 3 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport I'm looking towards a bug opening in EasyEDA to generate a P&P file compatible with JLCPCB.
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@nfs120 [UPDATES] About the placement and rotation of the parts on the PCB you can manually move and rotate the electronic components using the new feature of the "Beta view" when you place your Assembly order, in the final step "Quote" you will have the view of the "Review Parts Placement" where it shows the PCB and components, just click on "Parts placement editor" as it shows the below image, this will take you to the editor where you can move and rotate the components. Once you finish, just save the changes and finish your order. ![Parts placement.JPG](//
egaistek 3 years ago
@JLCPCBsupport How to get that "Beta view" ? My panel not only has wrong rotation but also has no layers visible. ![image.png](//
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
@egaistek Hello ; About the Layers please make sure that your GERBER files include the following needed files ![GERBER files.JPG](// You can check the requirements for GERBER files through this link : [](<br> <br> About the Beta view or the Online Component placement editor it is not visible yet because it still under probation but you can make it visible by following these steps : Once you reach the preview page as below ![step 1.JPG](// on previewer page, use “CTRL + SHIFT + I “to open developer’s page as below. ![step2.JPG](// Then search PARTS PLACEMENT EDITOR(TEST) via “ CTRL +F” accordingly ![step 3.JPG](// pick up uncheck option on feature of display column, the button of “parts of placement editor” will comes up on left side. ![step4.JPG](// Click button of “parts of placement editor”and the editor page comes up automatically! you can rotate the degree of component, click button of “SAVE” on left top side once ready, and close this page as well. The updated polarity of component will be automatically shared to our internal system after paid, besides, our engineer will check it manually as well during this period to double confirm this feature runs well ![step5.JPG](// You can ask us if you need any further details. Thank you
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