You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
SO slow unable to work
720 7
Kevin De Bosscher 3 years ago
Hello, Lately EasyEda PCB designer is sooo slow, its just not workable! Moving or selecting items take over 30-60sec! Giving the chrome error, page is unresponsive wait or close... I tried swapping from Chrome to Firefox even to the App designer same issue, disable all un-needed features withing system BUT no change! Whats going on?
NicoFR75 3 years ago
Same for me, just updated to 6.4.31 today and it's impossible to work. It hangs at almost every time i try to draw a trace or when in move a component. Tried on macOS Desktop App, Windows Desktop App, Firefox and Edge, it's the same behavior for all of them.
Paul 3 years ago
6.4.31 is totally useless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I no longer and do any work for all the above reasons!!!!!
Paul 3 years ago
Any fix??? I have work to do.
NicoFR75 3 years ago
Looks like @deskpro256 has the same problem ([]( And ihe is right about the plane layer, I have one in my project. I tried to switch it from plane to signal layer and it's back to normal. [](
NicoFR75 3 years ago
![Enregistrement de l’écran 2022-01-28 à 21.07.03.gif](//
Paul 3 years ago
This is no fix when is this going to be fixed?
Kevin De Bosscher 3 years ago
Any reaction from the designers?! fixing this bug would be welcomed! Aren't there any pre release tests? A 4 layer board is anything but fancy these days
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