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Same Extended Part across multiple order lines in single order
1917 7
EdHayes3 4 years ago
For SMT Pick and Place\, I have multiple designs I intend to place in the same order which all have the same extended part\. I see that they system is determining that extended parts per order line\, not per order header\. So if I have DESIGN\_A and DESIGN\_B which both have extended PART\_Z\, it's listing the extra $3 part cost 2 times\. Is there a way that can only be charged once? That way I don't have to go through the process of panalizing multiple designs?
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
Hello ; Sorry to tell you that I didn't understand exactly the meaning of (extended parts), but regarding your explanation you mean the same part used in different designs? in this case let me tell you that for SMT assembly you should produce each Pick and Place file aside for each design since each design has its schematics (the source of the BOM list) and each design has its own PCB design (source of Pick and Place file) so you can't merge two designs in one BOM list and in one Pick and Place file as long as they have separate schematic and PCB design. In order to have one BOM list and one Pick and Place file you need to merge your schematics in one schematic and create its relative PCB design, and separate the designs by stamp holes then you cut the boards. Please to note that for SMT assembly panels you need to panelize your boards with stamp holes, V-cut panels are not supported currently. Thank you for your understanding.
EdHayes3 4 years ago
There's "basic" and "estended" parts at []( where the "extended" parts are $3 each per part used.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@EdHayes3 These categories define the SMT assembly process and not the SMT ordering process. What I explained in the previous comment is related to the ordering process where you can't combine two P&P files in one file for two different PCB designs since each PCB has its own P&P generated files. About the extended parts this is related to the SMT assembly and how we assemble the parts, please consider that even with many basic components you can't get them as one P&P as long as they belong to separated designs. I think that your issue is not mainly about the extended parts but about how to put basic components of different designs in one P&P file?
EdHayes3 4 years ago
From what I read, extended parts cost $3 each, which covers the overhead of retrieving inventory from the warehouse, and placing them on the pick and place line. Basic parts have no additional cost because they are consistantly on the pick and place lines. Since my DESIGN\_A and DESIGN\_B will be run through the production line in sequence\, or at the same time\, the same extended parts used for DESIGN\_A can be used on DESIGN\_B without additional trips to the warehouse\, or pick and place configuration\. So I should get charged only once per extended part in my order\, not per extended part for each PCB design\. Similarly, if a part is used in both designs, the minimum quantity should apply accross all PCB designs in the order, not per each PCB/design.
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@EdHayes3 Now I understand exactly where is the unclear point for you. When you place one order for **multiple PCB designs** it doesn't mean that your PCBs will be produced in sequence or at the same time as long as they are not in the same production panel\. You will notice this when you place your order you will have two different "real\-time production status" for your DESIGN\_A and DESIGN\_B because each PCB design Build time vary depending on quantity\, the complexity of your boards\, and the assembly processes if required\. So you are not able to avoid the fees for extended parts (even if they are similar for many designs) each design will be charged aside, it will be like you are ordering two separated PCB designs in one shipping parcel, but the production and assembly processes will be handled separately. To avoid these fees you need to make one design for your multiple design and generate one P&P file then the fees for extended parts will be charged only one time for the similar parts. Please let me know if something else still confusing you. Thank you for your understanding.
EdHayes3 4 years ago
Any chance a video tetorial could be made on how to combine multiple sub-designs into one main uploaded Gerber/pick and place file? I watched a bunch on panalization etc, but they didnt includ pick and place. Preferably the tetorial should include sub-designs of different sizes.  Thanks!
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
@EdHayes3 In order to create one P&P file for your project you need to create one schematic of all designs then transform it into one PCB design where you insert your designs spaced in one panel (you can separate the designs using stamp holes to easily cut them later after being produced) this way you will be able to generate one BOM list and one P&P files for your order. It is like creating one PCB design which has sub designs. Anyway, we will try to make a tutorial for this purpose and until that I can keep guiding you through this post here. Thank you.
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