Canvas Attributes shows 1200x1200 - What is “Canvas”? When I set the drawing area (frame size) to A4 Landscape the area is from 0x0 to 1168x826 but Canvas is still showing 1200x1200. Can I extend my circuit / draw beyond the schematic (dotted area)?
However, A4 is 1 : SQR(2), which is NOT 826 x 1168 and NOT what I can see on my screen (my screen resolution is 1680x1050).
When I set zoom to “Fit to Window” is does not, it’s 200%, I have scroll bars for both, x and y. But depending on my window size it sometimes is only 100% (too small).
Sometimes, but only sometimes, the canvas starts moving when the pointer reaches the border. I don’t like that, because with an inadvertent mouse move (e.g. grabbing the coffee) the circuit starts running away.