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Sancho_19 (tool selection and properties dialog)
1525 2
Sancho 11 years ago
Suddenly - I don’t know how I got that - I’m back in pointer mode. Now I try the pencil tool - great, it works with also my wacom drawing tablet. a) The tool _isn’t highlighted_ in the toolbox but it has a nice pencil pointer to show what tool I have selected (I won’t repeat that comment for other tools). Right click ends that tool, it doesn’t come back, that’s how it should be (?)… (well, a ctrl or cmd click COULD repeat the last tool but that would be a FEATURE). ===> What did you want to achieve, selecting a tool keeps that tool working until you select an other tool - or you use the tool just once and must select the tool to us it again? (tiresome ! ) The same would go for electronic elements, wires, … ??? ---> However, I’d prefer the behavior is consistent over all tools in the editor. b) The properties box doesn’t change - until I select an existing pen stroke (I won’t repeat that comment for other tools). c) When i use the right click (e.g. to end the pencil) there is always a pop up with cut/copy/paste/delete but all is dimmed / grayed out. That’s annoying, if there’s nothing selectable: ---> Don’t pop up.
Guest 11 years ago
a) right click after "pencil tool" Yes , it is a small bug. After right click when "pencil ", you need to click the tool bar again. But, Most of other tools are cached, you don't need to select them again. For example,when you draw a wire. step 1) select the wire tool or press the "W" key to actie the wire tool. 2) draw a wire , press "ESC" to cancle, press "delete" key to delete the last segment, right click one time to finish a wire. right click again to remove the "Wire" command. DON'T right click twice if you want to place another wire. If you want place many wires, you just need to right one time after a wire. It seems you like to rigth click twice after place a wire, so you need to acive the "Wire" command again. If you place symbol,step 1) chose a symbol 2) "R" to rotation a symbol, "X","Y" to Flip on the fly if you need 3) left click to place a symbol, Don't right click. 4) Left click to place the symbol again. Left click to place the symbol again. Left click to place the symbol again. :) 5)Right click to end the "command". b) You have report a lot of these, we will keep in our mind. C) we have remove the context menu.
Sancho 11 years ago
a) I) I know, your _wire_ example works, but there is a BUG: 1) select OK, 2) ESC=OK, DEL=OK, right click once ends the actual wire but now the red crosshair is missing, the tool is not selected in the toolbox ==> no one would assume the tool is still selected !!! This is the bug: The red crosshair is missing, the cursor is back to the pointer, _but the tool is still selected_. You wrote “Right click to end the command”. OK? ---> It works when you left click at the endpoint of the wire - in case it’s a connection point (e.g. a resistor) II) And my point was: The behavior of all tools must be the same: The toolbox icon and the cursor must reflect that the tool is selected. ---> There _may_ be a tool (I dunno now) that will (must) terminate after one single use, but then both, the cursor and the toolbox must change back to “nothing selected” at the first right click. You wrote “Right click to end the command”. OK? III) Place a symbol: Choose OK ---> but “R” doesn’t work to rotate “on the fly”, nothing happens. The “X” any “Y” to flip work on my machine ... b) OK, eagerly waiting ;-) c) Kinda solved, but … deleted too much ---> Sancho_60
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