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Sancho_63 (“not saved” schematic and “*” and auto save)
1687 6
Sancho 11 years ago
A ”New Schematic” (opening the editor or creating a new one) doesn’t have the “*” but it is unsaved. That’s inconsequent and leads to problems. You must “dimm” all function buttons and menu entries when the function is not available at the moment. ---> Without the “*” the “unsaved” status isn’t made clear / visible. But: When the “auto save” is set to 5 minutes, why doesn’t the “*” disappear? I guess there is something I did not understand?
dillon 11 years ago
> “auto save” is set to 5 minutes, why doesn’t the “*” disappear? I guess there is something I did not understand? , we just save your file to indexDB database in your browse. just when you click the save or "Ctrl+s", we can save your file to our server, then the '*' disappear. The "auto save" is for "crash recovery".
Sancho 11 years ago
1) First the missing “*”: The missing “unsaved” is a basic issue together with the not dimmed functions. It is simply not consequent and will bring you in trouble, today or __tomorrow__. 2) The “auto save to browser”: I’m not really happy with that: a) It isn’t clear from the Preferences dialog, the name is the same as would it be a full auto save (compare “Fire Extinguisher” to a bucket with water). b) The user knows the term “auto save” as a safety belt for their work: - But when you manage to crash my Safari tab running easyEDA’s JavaScript I am the first to reset my browser or to (force) quit the Safari web space in my process scheduler. Browser memory deleted. And any serious crash on any Mi$o - systems will forth close the browser anyway. c) I haven’t seen your “crash recovery” in action (in fact, your JS is pretty stable), however, the browser’s memory may not really help to recover more than the already damaged schematic ??? - I’d simply vote to “auto save” to your server. Leave the browser to work with and for the “crash recovery”, just in case … __Do not “auto save”__ after crash recovery to the __same__ filename on the server !!!
dillon 11 years ago
>1) First the missing “*”: A ”New Schematic” (opening the editor or creating a new one) doesn’t have the “*” but it is unsaved. I don't think so. I have tried lots of software just now. All of them haven't '*' when create a new file, such as "WORD". You know you don't modify anything. What you think about now? The autoSave idea comes from and We can save your file every 5 mintus, so you have lots of version and you can find the old design. If we save your file to owe server, we can hardly give you provide this feature. And will make our server busy. "atuo Save to our server" is good also, We need more vote, we remember you have voted this. :). Two more, we will add this. Thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
__1)__ When creating a new file other SW doesn’t have the ‘*’ for unsaved: True. - But in your SW you can’t “print” a new (empty) document, in word you can. - In your SW you can’t even print a document with content before “saving” it, whatever that means. I simply don’t like programmed traps (= “functions”, better call it “not functions”) to click on ---> just to be reminded by a message “Dumb user, want a …”. It has to work smoothly. No programmed friction in the GUI. How you do it is secondary. The cause of the friction is that you distinct between save in browser and save to server. This is confusing because: a) it isn’t obvious to the user b) your SW doesn’t smoothly close this gap. If you have to hide something under the hood: Hide it. __2)__ Better: Avoid it - may I vote twice again ? ;-) - Inkscape will auto save to your “Path” variable (but you can print without …). You can include a sophisticated auto save __with version control__ (Altium) but do it right (I mean smoothly from the user’s view). And advertise it because that would be a feature no one has! (well, nearly) ---> When you have to save to your server before an action (e.g. print) can take place you could save _automatically_ to your server, otherwise keep it in browser (I don’t like the browser because … you know, - but it’s your baby).
dillon 11 years ago
>A ”New Schematic” (opening the editor or creating a new one) doesn’t have the “*” but it is unsaved. I really don't know why should mark an empty new doc with "*", the user don't lost anything when he/she close the file. I don't agree with you at this. but I will try to add this '*' latter. >“auto save server” This is a good feature, we just worry this will make our server too busy and when "auto save" a big shcematic or PCB to our server will make the users feel bad the "save point", the browse will be slow, maybe you can't move your mouse and It seems the brower is dead. "auto save to server" is on our plan, but I can't tell you when. Thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
I don’t want you to show the “*” (asterisk) [ “How you do it is secondary” ]. I want you to stop advertising functions that lead to an error message. - Or: You change the error message’s text: “ Sorry, our software can’t handle that command right now. Try to save first ? ” ;-)
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