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Sancho_66 (Resistor from Widget)
1255 7
Sancho 11 years ago
Place two resistors onto schematic. End the element function (right click). Rotate the first to “Left”, the second to “Right”. ---> There is no difference to be seen, I have to flip both to have the value on the right side ?
dillon 11 years ago
> There is no difference to be seen, I have to flip both to have the value on the right side ? no difference to be seen, but the PIN1 and PIN2 is difference. You can move the value to the right side.
Sancho 11 years ago
__a__) I don’t like manually shifting things that __should be in place__. __b)__ The text doesn’t snap to grid, result is awfully, not aligned. __c)__ Value is too close to resistor. __d)__ Basically I don’t like to waste space on both sides of an icon: - All text should be on one side, and rotate with the icon. And you know about the layer (or similar “generally visible / invisible”) flag.
example 11 years ago
>a) Yes , We don't like also, we will try. >b) OMG, we spent lots of time to make it not to snap , So we can move the text to any where. We can provide this easily, but we need more feedback. > c) How far should be? we will try. >Basically I don’t like to waste space on both sides of an icon: I don't have any idea about this now. Some SW on both side, some SW on one side. We need more feadback.
Sancho 11 years ago
__b)__ Snap or not: I fully agree, snap can be bad, too. But here __it’s a bug, believe me_. Let me explain. __b1)__ To have text (or other objects) not aligned will give your product (GUI, schematic, icon, text, whatever) an unprofessional touch. We are technicians, not artists, a line is the shortest connection between two points, a rectangle has to have … If you want to (or if you can) provide both, snap and not, it is the ultimate option: __And you have it already - at least you are very close to it !__ (I’d say one step) In your editor you can deactivate the (canvas) “Snap XXX”, shift objects and activate snap again, now moving the (e.g.) resistor (group) with text aligned to the grid. ---> That’s nearly perfect, would only the object’s text __snap to XXX__ when the canvas __is set to snap.__ __It is not logical when the “resistor” snaps but the text doesn’t.__ (== bug) __b2) Nearly perfect:__ The terms “__Grid__ Color”, “__Grid__” Style, “__Grid__” Size are all OK (Grid Size may be “Grid Width”, but I’m not a native speaker, @signality?). But the “Snap Grid” is misleading / wrong, because the “Snap” is according to the “Snap Size / Width”, it has nothing to do with the “Grid”. - Simply call it “Snap” (Yes / No), that would avoid further confusion. __b3)__ And there is another “problem”: “Snap: No” means that you can move objects without the “Snap Size / Width” setting. ---> That’s OK, but why are the arrow keys __still fixed__ to the “Snap Size / Width” ? There __is__ some minimum movement of the mouse cursor, it seems to depend on zoom level, so when “Snap” is “No” __the arrow keys must follow__ this minimum. You may increase that by 10 using the “Shift” + arrow, but that’s a feature suggestion. ---> Bad: The mouse pointer disappears and position ( property indication) remains fixed when moving an object by the arrow keys, you don’t know where you are then. Couldn’t you keep the pointer and move it by the arrow keys? __b4)__ Place a short wire on the canvas, attach a resistor, end the resistor function. Select the resistor and move it with the mouse: Super, fixed to the wire, the endpoint of the wire moves along (great ! ). But: Use the arrow keys - connection will break. Why? __b5)__ Another (small) issue is the 0/0 point is at 0.?/0.? (depends on the zoom), the grid is not exactly set / aligned to the rulers. __b6)__ And there is a funny dot at 0/0 when you set a wire or move an endpoint, is it a bug or a feature? __c)__ “How far should be?” - __Seriously?__ Place a resistor, rotate it and check the “k” from the “2k”: THIS is too close, because it __touches__ the resistor body. There is no question about. __d)__ Nope, you need your own judgement only: The smallest part is the horizontal resistor, you need two lines of text anyway, not where the wire has to be attached ... Rotate it to vertical, two lines of text on one side will occupy space on one side only (I’d suggest to use the right side, small distance, text aligned left, say 470k and R233, needs 4 digits). Now your “left __and__ right” would need twice the distance and twice 4 digits. Wasted space. BAD!
dillon 11 years ago
>b1) We never snap the prefix and value, no matter we have set the canvas to snap. Most of other EDA use the same tech. But I really like your ultimate option, using Shift to toggle, Do you mean the default will be the same as canvas? I keep this to my TODO list. >b2) “Grid” Size is OK. I am not native too, I find it is in some Pro. SW. >Simply call it “Snap” (Yes / No), Good >“Snap” is “No” the arrow keys must follow this minimum. Good >Couldn’t you keep the pointer and move it by the arrow keys? Can't, the browse don't allow us to do this. If we can do this, I will let your pointer to focus on a link to click a link and send some $$$ to us. :) >Use the arrow keys - connection will break. Why? Maybe a bug, maybe not. Maybe a method to let you move a part out of Wire. >b6) We store our Pindot at there, We will set it out of canvas, how sharp are you. >d) Nope, you need your own judgement only: I am persuaded by you, It is not easy to fix this quickly, but we will try. How wonderful we can contact you at 3 years ago.
Sancho 11 years ago
b1) Yep, canvas setting would be the basic, (hold down) Shift to toggle. But I don’t understand your “Most of other EDA …”: - __You don’t want to be a copycat of poor SW, do you?__ You may peep what others do but __you must go your way__.
dillon 11 years ago
>copycat of poor SW, You are right. We don't like to copy, we will make it easier. But We don't like the users to feel strange that they change to EasyEDA. Thanks.
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