Starting the SW by __+ log in__:
I see a yellowish (not what would be my “default”, but I can’t change it, __bad__) screen area.
Now my point here is:
- How would the user ever know to click the easyEDA - logo to find the “other” side / part of easyEDA?
---> I’d try the blue “Sancho” pull down and maybe the tiny “waste bin” or “lost and found” icon next to it (sorry, the icon is too small compared to the others).
__a)__ The content of this (lost & found) section is unnecessary, as nearly __all__ points are double and triple represented already.
- Only the “Miscellaneous” submenu (think about the meaning of that word, hidden in the already “lost and found” menu section, is it a joke?) may contain __important__ stuff (I dunno).
Better to “redistribute” the items and __delete__ the “lost and found” menu entirely.
__b)__ Having that deleted you could __shrink__ the huge login field (what’s the ugly “dot” on the left side good for?).
Now you’d have enough space for a permanent icon (or text) to link to the “community” side.
This could be a “two person” icon (I love e.g. this one ),
but do not forget to __include an indicator__ (flag) for something like “you have a private message” or “your __@username__ was mentioned in the forums” or “there is a new post in a thread where you have contributed” (the arrow could be blinking e.g.).
Again, in my opinion for a startup the community (forum) and support is more important than the SW.
But see Sancho_43 ;-(
- However, for clicking the “easyEDA” icon you’d need a “Help” document (__bad__).