You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Sancho_80 (graphic has some issues, zig zag)
1253 2
Sancho 11 years ago
- This is regarding easyEDA lib now, the elements of “Widgets” were different … (it seems some of the issues weren’t there) Comparing AA off and on in Safari and FF: **a) Text:** I think in both versions the element’s text (Arial 7) is nearly perfect in sharpness and readability, but it always has the AA set to “on”. When I compare the AA in easyEDA to e.g. Wikipedia on the same font style and size the latter is slightly better. - **Safari:** There is a problem when the zoom is below 100% because the text size remains constant and the text (lines) run into each other (FF is OK). **b) Electronic elements, AA off:** 50%: Only for overview. In Safari unusable (text). 75%: All lines are sharp, but suddenly lines are 2 pix wide. However, it’s visible and usable (just the text is bad, see above). 100%: All lines are sharp to the dot, the vertical ones are 1 pix misaligned to the right from the grid. Some parts have visible **artifacts**, e.g. the diode (top corner) or the power supplies (e.g. VCVS), which is ugly. Circles and diagonal lines are somewhat zig zag, but OK. 150%: All lines are sharp. No artifacts, but some horizontal lines are 1 pix wider (case of CVS). Circles and some diagonal lines (BJT) are ugly. 200%: Better, hmmm. Not top. **c) Electronic elements with AA on:** 50%: Blurred, only for overview. In Safari unusable (text). 75%: Blurred, but it’s visible and usable (just the text is bad in Safari, see above). Some vertical lines are sharp. 100%: Blurred, hurts the eye after some time. No artifacts, however. 150%: Much better, slightly blurred, but absolutely no problem. 200%: That’s OK now, because of the bold lines you can’t hardly see the blurred circles / diagonal lines. --> So again, basically, why is the easyEDA graphics worse than e.g. CircuitLab? Or is it the red color of the elements? It seems black is better for AA ... - OK, what about making the 150 to 100% (the default) with AA set to on? This could be a workaround until there is a better solution ???
dillon 11 years ago
Thanks for you to spend so much time to test AA off and On. I understand you try to tell us in any model, EasyEDA's graph is not perect. **zig zag** or **Blurred**. AA on will be Blurred , and close will be zig zag. This is why we think **zig zag** is good than **Blurred**, So we close it. You think Circuitlab's graph is good. I can tell you why. 1. Their symbols are big than EasyEDA. their 200% = our 100%. You know EasyEDA is good in 150%. 2. their stoke's width is 2 , EasyEDA is 1. 3. their use AA on, we use AA off. 4. Black will be better than red in show. I can't tell you why we chose these, we spend lots time to make this, I am sure must our users will like our grapha when build a big schematic and PCB. I know you just need perfect, and we will try to make this good. Thanks.
Sancho 11 years ago
You are right, bigger black elements “seem” to be better. That’s why I suggested to make the 150% to the default 100%, you always can zoom out to see more in a big schematic. And you are right, also with the smaller EasyEDA lib (AA off) and the zig zag there won’t be any problem to work and to design good schematics. However, it will have a “cheap” touch. Also when I “print” or export it to pdf. Export to svg seems to be changed, doesn’t produce a file? I have to export the svg SOURCE, make plain text, save as txt, rename, … Do your 95% of users know … ? Yep, I want it perfect. But you too. :-)
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