You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Save Locally
1677 1
Good morning how can I save locally on my PC to the wiring diagram of my project? I wish that my design is not saved in the cloud, but only on my PC. It's possible? If not There is a paid version of easyeda in which you can do this? Best regards Daniele Cattelan
andyfierman 7 years ago
Hi Daniele, Welcome to EasyEDA. At present, all files in EasyEDA are automatically stored in the cloud. Although you cannot prevent this, you can also: 1) Download a copy of the EasyEDA Source file for a schematic, symbol, PCB or PCB Footprint: `Document > EasyEDA Source...` then click on the `Download` button. ![enter image description here][1] 2) download a local copy of your whole Project which will include the schematic and PCB. Right click on the Project name in the left hand Navigation panel: ![enter image description here][2] 3) in the near future, an offline Desktop application version of EasyEDA is going to be released for Linux, OS X and Windows. This will allow you to work and save offline. [1]: /editor/20170302/58b818b3b1e01.png [2]: /editor/20170302/58b81971a2b83.png
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