You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Screen problem
428 6
Rolembeek 2 years ago
For two days now, something changed in appearance on opening EasyEDA. Fonts (including menus, comments, etc) appear much biggen than before. Also menu bars and side-bars are much bigger than before. I can't find any setting to adapt the view as it was before ... Any help welcome ! Roland P.S. Even this forum window is big and big font ! Other apps are all normal.
andyfierman 2 years ago
Check that you have not just zoomed on your browser window. Try pressing: CTRL+0
Rolembeek 2 years ago
@andyfierman Tnx for your sugestion but CTRL+0 did not help. I am working "off-line" now and wanted to test in "on-line" mode but even can't get there because th choice window is too small for the options :-( (see screen shot)
Rolembeek 2 years ago
MrToM 2 years ago
Hi Roland, This is not much help to you but... I too have this problem with an Adobe installer, everything else is fine except this one program. It does exactly the same as your example... ![ps_fail.jpg](// I can't blame this on EasyEDA but the similarity leads me to believe it's actually a Windows issue....possibly? I've an idea it's to do with 'DPI awareness' but quite how this has changed for just the one program i don't know. (I can still roughly navigate the window with the tab key though) Sorry thats not a solution but maybe it will steer you toward one, I'm constantly searching too so you're not alone. Good luck, and please let me know if you figure it out. Regards. MrToM.
Rolembeek 2 years ago
@mrtom528 Tnx for your input ! I will investigate that possibility ... :-)
Rolembeek 2 years ago
Update : I tried a lot of possibilities without acceptable effect ... :-( Could be my graphics unit in the PC (have some other problems as well). As my PC is aging (>10 years) I intend to by a new one. Maybe my problems will be solved. I not I'll be back with my questions ... ;-) Bye for now Roland
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