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Searching JLCPCB basic parts
6734 3
jalsop 2 years ago
I use the following procedure to search for basic parts: 1.  Go to [](<br> <br> 2\. Select the category e\.g\. Resistors/Chip Resistor \- Surface Mount 3\. Check the "Basic Parts" option 4\. Select the resistor value\, part size\, etc\. 5\. Click the "Apply" button If the search fails, there is no "Back Button" functionality, and I have to start the search over. It would be nice to improve this work flow, by remaining on the search screen, so that I could, for example, select a different part size. Is there a way to do this that I haven't stumbled across? Thanks! <br> <br>
xinort 2 years ago
I completely agree. It is frustrating.
JLCPCBsupport 2 years ago
@xinort Hello all <br> The improvement suggestion has been highlighted to our team and we will try to develop the appropriate solution. Thank you for writing to us here. We are counting on your understanding.
jalsop 2 years ago
Just wanted to note that JLCPCB have fixed this issue -  the search process is much more efficient now. Thanks JLCPCB - good job!!
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