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Shipping to UK and VAT registration
1004 7
Pete Matthews 4 years ago
New sales tax rules in the UK require sellers to register for a VAT/EORI number and pay UK sales tax (known as VAT) at point of sale. I know that JLCPCB have registered and will be dealing with the tax appropriately, but I wanted to check if LCSC would be doing the same. Details on the JLCPCB response can be found at [](<br> <br> Thanks, Pete
Pete Matthews 4 years ago
In case anyone else is interested, LCSC have confirmed via email they will be dealing with UK VAT, which is great :) > Good day. Thanks for contacting us. > Please rest assured! I confirm with our leaders that the registration for a VAT/EORI number is under processing now. However, it may cost 6 weeks as we are informed. > Please keep close attention to LCSC. > Thank you. Woo! Thanks folks :)
caliper 4 years ago
@PeteMatthews Just to update you, the VAT/EORI option is still there in the shipping section and the system will still not allow you proceed without entering something. However, HMRC say anyone can apply for an EORI and maybe this could be an immediate solution if you were that driven. So, I guess unless you wish to go down that route, we will have to wait until LCSC to adopt the same policy as JLCPCB for ordering without an EORI. As a footnote, as we are all now well aware the £135 and then for me you enter the darkside. I have never ventured there with the cost of my purchases but all I can say is that if the amount declared on the CN22 is above that it's a whole new ball game in terms of charges. The good news hopefully is that anything under £135, although VAT is to be paid, should in theory pass through customs without hassle and Royal Mail should no longer should be asking for their ridiculous 'Handling Fee'. Greatly appreciate if you can inform us when both JCBPCB and LCSC have an aligned policy.
caliper 4 years ago
@PeteMatthews Update: Got a reply from support, and the 'International Registered Mail' shipping option has now had the VAT/EORI requirement removed and you can submit the order.  However, I also had a similar reply to you regarding the policy alignment with JLCPCB, "my leaders are pushing that. It may cost some days, please keep close attention to LCSC"  So although this option may now be open, it's still uncertain as to how they will introduce the required VAT at the moment, if at all. Personally, I will wait until the two are aligned because not paying VAT could result in extra charges being raised.
Ryan Banks 3 years ago
Hi all, I've just placed my first order for delivery to the UK. I used the "International Registered Mail" option for an order >£79 (including £7 delivery). Now I'm worried as to whether the order will come, be held up by customs or be returned by UK customs. I have emailed LCSC support, awaiting a reply but was wondering if anyone here has had a successful delivery since Jan 21? Thanks for the help.
caliper 3 years ago
@ryandalebanks I haven't ordered since my last entry, so I can only assume that you wouldn't have paid VAT at the point of sale. Therefore, unfortunately ifyour package is presented to customs you may have VAT to pay and subsequently a Royal Mail handling fee of £8.00. This will be evident if you have a card delivered requiring these payments, you can then pay online requesting delivery at a time that suits you.  Small consolation I know, but that's the whole reason why we would like LCSC to adopt the same policy as JLCPCB where VAT is paid at the point of sale. <br> <br>
Ryan Banks 3 years ago
@Greengage - Thanks for the reply. I assumed this would be the case and hope at the the very least, although inconvenient, I have the ability to pay the fees this side and still receive my package in a timely manner.  I must add, LCSC support have been great so far.  The package cleared UK customs really fast and is currently in my regional sorting office... Let’s hope it doesn't take much longer :D
Ryan Banks 3 years ago
Late reply but wanted to add that the package came a few days after my last message. Excellent service from LCSC! A+
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