You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Silkscreens Covering Plated Holes
663 2
Nathan Schilz 4 years ago
I am having trouble getting a straight answer from support. My Gerber file has a silkscreen design that is covering many of the plated holes (both top and bottom). I am unclear if it will print this way or not. I have asked the question in the remarks and have had three communications with support that is still not answering my question. I obviously don't want the silkscreen to cover my plated holes...  and I haven't seen an easy way in EasyEDA to "Exclude silkscreen from solder pads" Any advice?
JLCPCBsupport 4 years ago
If silkscreen design covering plated holes,  we will delete by default silkcreen design.  If you don't mind this ,just place order . We will save silkscreen design , if plated holes are not covered by silkcreen .
andyfierman 4 years ago
It is not good PCB Footprint design practice to have silkscreen covering pads. If you are using User Contributed PCB Footprints then I recommend you make your own, uniquely named, clearly identifiable, edited copies with the silkscreen corrected. However in the past when this question has come up the answer has always been that as part of the pcb fab process, JLCPCB will remove silkscreen that overlaps pads. For guidance on PCB Footprint design please see (2.3) in (2) in: []( and: [](
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